I have a sony rear projection t.v model KP-46c70.I,ve changed the convergence ic's.The picture was good for about 5 seconds then went back to un aligned.The red seems to be the only one brighter and out of convergence.I took a piece of cardboard and covered each bulb individually.The green and blue focus good together but the red with either green or blue is brighter and out of convergence.After I installed the convergence ic's,I counted the blinks on the red on off button,There were 7 including the 1st blink.Obviously theres something I did wrong any advice?Also ,where could I get a service manual?
well, I finally did it....I ordered the Ic's. I will be taking the boards out and bringing them to my uncles house cause he has a ton of experience soldering on electronic boards. I do have a question on how the connectors work from one board to the other though. Im not sure how they disconnect. Any help would be great!
I actually might know the answer to this! My husband & I just disconnected the ICs from our Sony rear projection TV. There are 2 and they are on the "D" board. They are glued to another larger piece and the soldered in place. You can easily pry the ICs glue. But you need to de-solder (un-solder?) the ICs. You can detach the D board and then lift it up. You will see the ICs just have a little circle of solder underneath each wire. Heat up the soulder and then they should pull out.
Someone mentioned doing something with heat sink compound. I'm not sure what though. We've only made it to taking out the bad ICs. We ordered the new ones last week so we are also waiting for them to arrive.
Thank you for the reply. But my question is not about the disconnection of the IC's(i already got that one covered:)). My question is about the electronic black clips that join the different boards together. Thanks anyway though.
As I recall when I did mine, one side of the clip(top) would flip up then you can see how they disconnect(I believe you pop it up got release if from the other board. The bigger issue what the red wire that goes the high voltage area, or r/b/g adjust near the front of the TV. To get this off, you have to push in and twist in order to release it. If you are close to Colorado, I will sell the board out of my TV since I fixed the convergence issue, but now I have another issue that I don't think I can fix myself. I turn the TV on and the R/G CRT's don't turn on or if they do, they fade out until the TV is warmed up. Not sure what needs to be fixed in this area.
I am in chicago actually but still may be interested in purchasing the board if the price is right. Thanks for the advice on the clips though. I do know that with that high voltage red wire I need to be very carefull and discharge the voltage before removing. What I am wondering is what way do I twist or does that matter? If I remember correctly the crt's are what feed the projectors and if so I believe they are like $300 each. Dont quote me on that though. Thnx again
Does anybody still have the service manual for KP-51ws510. My tv just started having the convergance issue. It would really be helpfull if somebody could send me one. [email protected]
daplanostud said: Does anybody still have the service manual for KP-51ws510. My tv just started having the convergance issue. It would really be helpfull if somebody could send me one. [email protected]
go to the techs corner on the home page of this site and download it for free my friend.
I forgot to mention no sound either. Before we changed the ICs, we had a picture (though the green convergence was off) and sound. We did the heat sink compound and all the soldering looks good.
I read your post on chris palmer's blog about fixing his panasonic rear projection convergence IC replacement. I replaced the IC's as per the instruction, but I still have the same bowing problem and mis alignment. I see some large gray resistors near the convergence ICs and also some very small surface mount ones underneath the board right next to the IC pins. Can I just place an ohmmeter accros those big grey resistors to check them? or might that fry things or make them inaccurate? Of course I would do this with the tv off.
I know that my old chips sparked a little bit when i was removing solder with the braided solder wick. One of the new ICs started to heat up, so I had to remelt the solder joints on the new IC's to make the chip work.
So, any ideas? I figure the next step is to replace those huge resistors. where do i get those from? I haven't see ones that big at radioshack. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if you have a service manual for the toshiba 57h83 please send a copy to [email protected]. if necessary I will set up a pando account, but I would rather not.
Update: I checked all the big resistors around the conv ICs. They seemed to measure ok(220 ohms on the big ones (red red brown gold) and 2.0-2.4 ohms on the smaller ones (orange/brown? grey gold gold).
well ladies and gents......ITS FIXED!!!!!.... i cannot believe it. thank you very much for all your help! i'll keep checkin in here(hopefully just to read) and see how its going. Thanks especially to larry! you da man!
oh my friend! you are a week late! I could have used that kit! I got the ic's without a prob but the picos are another story. That was a witch hunt. The local radio shack doesnt carry that stuff anymore. Hopefully that pacage helps someone else though.
i replaced ic's and now when i power the tv back up (kp51ws510) the sound comes on but no picture and then powers down after about 5 seconds. i am an electronics tech, but have never worked on a projection tv. i am positive i have done something wrong such as miss a connection but i am hard pressed to find it. could someone let me know if they know where i may check or is it just possible i had a bad solder with the convergence chips. they appear to be soldered correctly. thank you in advance.
I am having the sam issues as Sharad
(Dear Mr. Dillon I have changed The STK's on my KP51WS510 and even replaced two Pico fuses one on G Board and the other on D board but still the colors are offset. I have noticed that one of the STK is not heating as compared to the other STK. I have come across another problem with the Remote commander also. I am unable to enter into service mode even after pressing DISPLAY-5-Volume + or -. Can you please help me ?
I was needint to know if this ended up working for him. When I changed out the stk and the pico fuse it aligned all of the solors horizontally but not vertically not sur what to do on this. Any help would be much appreciated
Member I am having the same issues as Sharad
(Dear Mr. Dillon I have changed The STK's on my KP51WS510 and even replaced two Pico fuses one on G Board and the other on D board but still the colors are offset. I have noticed that one of the STK is not heating as compared to the other STK. I have come across another problem with the Remote commander also. I am unable to enter into service mode even after pressing DISPLAY-5-Volume + or -. Can you please help me ?
I was needing to know if this ended up working for him. When I changed out the stk and the pico fuse it aligned all of the colors horizontally but not vertically not sure what to do on this. Any help would be much appreciated
I have read every page on here. When I first started reading I thought there is no way in heck I could do this. I gained confidence as I pushed on and now I can't wait to tackle this project! Thank You to everyone that has taken the time to help and make this thread what it is (awesome)! I'm sure I'll run into a few roadblocks but after 27 pages of reading, I can almost see the process in my head. I'll report back to all of you good people when I have some results good or bad to hopefully contribute to the knowledge base.
P.S. How are you doing Larry? I said a prayer for ya Buddy.
I've tried everything...replaced the IC's twice redid the solder, replaced all the fuses, put in brand new flyback and HV block. I'm at the same point before I started. In service mode it seems to skip PJE.
I'm at my wits end...any ideas or does anybody want the parts on this thing? I have the 65WS510.
yes i have the same problem with my allignment on my sony projector tv. And i been reading that most problems with convergeance comes with your stk ic chip. Im a technician and was wondering where i could find the best price for a ic chip but not limit myself.Part number STK392-560 email [email protected]
I have a sony rear projection t.v model KP-46c70.I,ve changed the convergence ic's.The picture was good for about 5 seconds then went back to un aligned.The red seems to be the only one brighter and out of convergence.I took a piece of cardboard and covered each bulb individually.The green and blue focus good together but the red with either green or blue is brighter and out of convergence.After I installed the convergence ic's,I counted the blinks on the red on off button,There were 7 including the 1st blink.Obviously theres something I did wrong any advice?Also ,where could I get a service manual?
well, I finally did it....I ordered the Ic's. I will be taking the boards out and bringing them to my uncles house cause he has a ton of experience soldering on electronic boards. I do have a question on how the connectors work from one board to the other though. Im not sure how they disconnect. Any help would be great!
I actually might know the answer to this! My husband & I just disconnected the ICs from our Sony rear projection TV. There are 2 and they are on the "D" board. They are glued to another larger piece and the soldered in place. You can easily pry the ICs glue. But you need to de-solder (un-solder?) the ICs. You can detach the D board and then lift it up. You will see the ICs just have a little circle of solder underneath each wire. Heat up the soulder and then they should pull out.
Someone mentioned doing something with heat sink compound. I'm not sure what though. We've only made it to taking out the bad ICs. We ordered the new ones last week so we are also waiting for them to arrive.
Good luck! :)
That would be the "glue" you mentioned. It's generally called thermal paste, be sure and buy a tube of this at most any computer store, even best buy.
Thank you for the reply. But my question is not about the disconnection of the IC's(i already got that one covered:)). My question is about the electronic black clips that join the different boards together. Thanks anyway though.
As I recall when I did mine, one side of the clip(top) would flip up then you can see how they disconnect(I believe you pop it up got release if from the other board. The bigger issue what the red wire that goes the high voltage area, or r/b/g adjust near the front of the TV. To get this off, you have to push in and twist in order to release it. If you are close to Colorado, I will sell the board out of my TV since I fixed the convergence issue, but now I have another issue that I don't think I can fix myself. I turn the TV on and the R/G CRT's don't turn on or if they do, they fade out until the TV is warmed up. Not sure what needs to be fixed in this area.
I am in chicago actually but still may be interested in purchasing the board if the price is right. Thanks for the advice on the clips though. I do know that with that high voltage red wire I need to be very carefull and discharge the voltage before removing. What I am wondering is what way do I twist or does that matter? If I remember correctly the crt's are what feed the projectors and if so I believe they are like $300 each. Dont quote me on that though. Thnx again
Does anybody still have the service manual for KP-51ws510. My tv just started having the convergance issue. It would really be helpfull if somebody could send me one. [email protected]
go to the techs corner on the home page of this site and download it for free my friend.
I looked for it at techs corner and couldnt find one for HDTV KP-51ws510. found it for KP-51ws500 but not mine.
it is definetly there. Its just farther down the list. I have the same set as you and I did the exact same thing as you.
Okay, so we just put in the two new ICs and had a professional solder them. And we have NO picture now. Just a red blinking light. Any ideas?
I forgot to mention no sound either. Before we changed the ICs, we had a picture (though the green convergence was off) and sound. We did the heat sink compound and all the soldering looks good.
I read your post on chris palmer's blog about fixing his panasonic rear projection convergence IC replacement. I replaced the IC's as per the instruction, but I still have the same bowing problem and mis alignment. I see some large gray resistors near the convergence ICs and also some very small surface mount ones underneath the board right next to the IC pins. Can I just place an ohmmeter accros those big grey resistors to check them? or might that fry things or make them inaccurate? Of course I would do this with the tv off.
I know that my old chips sparked a little bit when i was removing solder with the braided solder wick. One of the new ICs started to heat up, so I had to remelt the solder joints on the new IC's to make the chip work.
So, any ideas? I figure the next step is to replace those huge resistors. where do i get those from? I haven't see ones that big at radioshack. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if you have a service manual for the toshiba 57h83 please send a copy to [email protected]. if necessary I will set up a pando account, but I would rather not.
Update: I checked all the big resistors around the conv ICs. They seemed to measure ok(220 ohms on the big ones (red red brown gold) and 2.0-2.4 ohms on the smaller ones (orange/brown? grey gold gold).
sorry this was a duplicate of the previous post.
can some one help me I have a sony tv kp51ws510 when I turn it on I get 4 red light blinks.
thank you in avance.
also can someone tell me what board ic1509 and q1505 is on.
Can SOMEONE PLEASE HELP me with some default Service Menu Values on the 510? PLEASE!
E-Mail is [email protected]
well ladies and gents......ITS FIXED!!!!!.... i cannot believe it. thank you very much for all your help! i'll keep checkin in here(hopefully just to read) and see how its going. Thanks especially to larry! you da man!
FYI - just added Sony to their list of convergence kits. The kits include Sanyo brand STK's, convergence resistors, pico fuses, and a detailed photo instruction guide that walks you through the repair. They will even email you the service manual after buying a kit if you need one.
Hope this helps
oh my friend! you are a week late! I could have used that kit! I got the ic's without a prob but the picos are another story. That was a witch hunt. The local radio shack doesnt carry that stuff anymore. Hopefully that pacage helps someone else though.
i replaced ic's and now when i power the tv back up (kp51ws510) the sound comes on but no picture and then powers down after about 5 seconds. i am an electronics tech, but have never worked on a projection tv. i am positive i have done something wrong such as miss a connection but i am hard pressed to find it. could someone let me know if they know where i may check or is it just possible i had a bad solder with the convergence chips. they appear to be soldered correctly. thank you in advance.
Did you check the two pico fuses on the G board?
I just did mine and both picos on the g board were bad and so was one of the 3.15 picos under the heat fins. Check em all bud.
great advise! check all the pico fuses on the D and the G boards
I am having the sam issues as Sharad
(Dear Mr. Dillon I have changed The STK's on my KP51WS510 and even replaced two Pico fuses one on G Board and the other on D board but still the colors are offset. I have noticed that one of the STK is not heating as compared to the other STK. I have come across another problem with the Remote commander also. I am unable to enter into service mode even after pressing DISPLAY-5-Volume + or -. Can you please help me ?
I was needint to know if this ended up working for him. When I changed out the stk and the pico fuse it aligned all of the solors horizontally but not vertically not sur what to do on this. Any help would be much appreciated
Member I am having the same issues as Sharad
(Dear Mr. Dillon I have changed The STK's on my KP51WS510 and even replaced two Pico fuses one on G Board and the other on D board but still the colors are offset. I have noticed that one of the STK is not heating as compared to the other STK. I have come across another problem with the Remote commander also. I am unable to enter into service mode even after pressing DISPLAY-5-Volume + or -. Can you please help me ?
I was needing to know if this ended up working for him. When I changed out the stk and the pico fuse it aligned all of the colors horizontally but not vertically not sure what to do on this. Any help would be much appreciated
I have read every page on here. When I first started reading I thought there is no way in heck I could do this. I gained confidence as I pushed on and now I can't wait to tackle this project! Thank You to everyone that has taken the time to help and make this thread what it is (awesome)! I'm sure I'll run into a few roadblocks but after 27 pages of reading, I can almost see the process in my head. I'll report back to all of you good people when I have some results good or bad to hopefully contribute to the knowledge base.
P.S. How are you doing Larry? I said a prayer for ya Buddy.
I've tried everything...replaced the IC's twice redid the solder, replaced all the fuses, put in brand new flyback and HV block. I'm at the same point before I started. In service mode it seems to skip PJE.
I'm at my wits end...any ideas or does anybody want the parts on this thing? I have the 65WS510.
yes i have the same problem with my allignment on my sony projector tv. And i been reading that most problems with convergeance comes with your stk ic chip. Im a technician and was wondering where i could find the best price for a ic chip but not limit myself.Part number STK392-560 email [email protected]