JVC Stuck in Standby

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JVC Stuck in Standby

 I have a JVC, HV-Z34L1 and it is stuck in standby mode. It worked fine then one day nothing, I took it to a repair shop but they could do nothing with it . 2 months latter I plugged it in and it worked, shut it off next day same problem would act like it wants to turn on then 2 seconds later back to standby. Ther is no bliking of lights just on to the green and 2 seconds latter to the red stuck in standby. this tv is only 2 yars old, any help would be great.

Larry Dillon
Sorry Rocko, according to my

Sorry Rocko, according to my sources, this is a european model, and I have no source for service info for these types of TV sets.

This sounds to me like a

This sounds to me like a power related problem.  The issue with JVC TVs is that there is little service information available outside of authorized service centers.  If unplugging the set for while "restores" the set, then that is an interesting symptom or clue.  Try that and report the results.  There may be a problem on one of the data lines internally that is causing the CPu to shut down the set.  Internal "batteries" that allow the set to weather short power outages may retain this error condition not allowing the set to function until the "battery" runs out.  Once this occurs, the CPU in effect will reset and clear the condition.

Keep us posted,


my jvc tv is stuck on

my jvc tv is stuck on standbye now, although my tv doesnt even show the green light. i plug it in and it just shows the red light, no buttons work, even on the actuall tv . annoying

Jon Copping
My 32" TV, 2 years old, now
My 32" TV, 2 years old, now permanently stauck in stand-by. Powered off for days, changed remote batteries, tested every button. No use. Very bad - any help greatly appreciated, Thanks Jon  

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