Does anyone know what the small white wire is coming off the flyback transformer and connecting to the screen/focus adjustment module of a mitsu wt-42313 (and probably other mits models).
Anybody on here. I need help please. I started out with an I.C. issue. I replaced them and when I turned the t.v. on I still had the same issue. The lines for convergence were still bowed. I talked to larry and he advised me to change the resistors. I tested them and one of them was blown. I took the old resistors to an electronics suplly place here in kansas city. He gave me two new resistors and I installed them. Now when I turn the t.v. on the green light clicks on and then goes right back off. I unplugged the t.v. set for a half hour hoping that it would reset. Plugged it back in and am having the same problem. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. This t.v. is 8 years old and I dont want to spend the big bucks to have someone else fix it. I dont even know if it is worth it to spend that much money on a set this old. Please if anyone else has ran into this problem or knows something that I dont, I would greatly appreciate the advice.
Did you happen to check the error code for the problem? My set is giving a 22 code which corresponds to 'short circuit protect'. I am not sure what to do from here. If anyone has any suggestions on a troubleshooting method for 'short circuit protect', please let me know. SMorris, press and hold the menu and input button on the set for 6 seconds, then count the flashes... it should repeat the code 5 times I think. My set was working, just red ghosting image. I replaced the ICs and now this. Anyone have any ideas what could have gone wrong? Would a bad lot of ICs cause this problem? Larry.. you seem very knowledgable... ideas?
No mine didnt give any codes. I am not sure about yours either, as I am new to this. I have a background in electronics from the military, but this is different to me as it is a tv, and not communications equipment. I am kind of lost right now also. I wish I could help you
JJ, that white wire is for your Screen voltage going to the adjustment block. Your code means something is loading down the power supply. It could be anything from a solder splash, a short across the pins of the IC's you changed, bad IC's, or possibly a plug not in all the way or a plug in the wrong place. Very hard to tell without measureing some voltages in the power supply.
Larry, I got those resistors that you told me to get. You had said .82 ohm at 2 watts, so I went and bought some. They looked nothing like what was in the t.v. I put them in anyways and had the powering on problem. So I then took the resistors that were in my t.v. previously and had the people that worked there match them. It turns out that the ones that were in my t.v. were .82 ohm at 1 watt. Those are the ones that I have in the t.v. now but I am still having the same powering on issue. They look like they are gold grey red grey to me. I dont remember what the box said, because I threw it away. They do match exactly to the resistors that were in my t.v. previously though. They are in R520 and R522
OH, ok It is very hard for me to say why the set is not powering up now. Have you tested all of the small fuses in the power supply that are mounted on the board yet?
Well that is where you need to start. There are 5 of them in there I think. They are mounted to the board right by the large transformer in the power supply. They should check shorted. If any measure open, it is bad.
I have a Mitsubishi WS 55908. when I it's first turn it on the convergence is way off especially the green. But after about an hour or two it gradually fixes itself. Does anyone know what may be causing this? I have almost given up on Larry's help:(
Larry Dillon said: ...bad IC's, or possibly a plug not in all the way or a plug in the wrong place. Very hard to tell without measureing some voltages in the power supply.
Thanks Larry. Do you know of anyway to test the ICs? I bought them from MCM Electronics... they are also designated A (which I think means lead free or something). I heard that you shouldn't go with the cheapest ones you can find, and these weren't the cheapest, but I suspect they might be the cause since the tv worked FINE before (minus the convergence issue).
Ok so here is the update. I check the board for solder splashes, and nothing. I check the plugs to makes sure they were all in the right ones. I even when though with a razor to make sure there was nothing bridging the gap on the solder joints. And I still have an error code 22. WOW could there be anything else?
I'm afraid you have done everything except taking voltage mesurments. Do you know how to read a schematic and follow circuit flow? This way you can follow the voltage path and find out where or what voltage is getting messed up.
I have a Mitsubishi ws-65511 and the tv will not turn on. The power button goes on for about 3 seconds then it shuts off. No picture, no sound just green light for 3 secs and off. Any suggestions? Any help is appreciated!!
Could be convergence IC's, capacitors in the power supply, or perhaps a problem in the sweep power supply. Hard thing to say without getting more info on what voltage are good or bad. My best suggestion is if you have no solid stae repair experience, play it safe and call in a pro to assist you with your repair. Good Luck.
It is really amazing how much info is shared on these posts. So I checked the pico fuses on the power supply board, and fuse F9A05 was open. This is the WT-42313 that is giving a 'short circuit protect' error code. I recently replaced the STK394-250s, but the old ones were not bad as far as I know (the TV still worked fine, except for red 'ghosting'). After putting everything back together, this happens. I have the schematics, but I am having trouble figuring out what could have caused the F9A05 to blow. I was wondering, if you have successfully tracked this particular fuse in any of the other assistance you have kindly been offering?
........ to be more specific, are BAD ICs the only way that pico fuse is going to blow? Meaning, should I be calling MCM and sending these things back? Or could it be something else? Will just replacing the fuse first to check be ok, or will that risk the health of other components? I often read warnings about just blindly replacing fuses because typically they are an indication of other problems.
JJ, if the F9A05 or the F9A04 is bad or blown out, for sure you have a bad convergence IC man. Where did you buy the new IC's from as all IC's are not alike, even with the same part number on them. Also, did you make sure you installed the new IC's with a good coating of heat sink compound on the back of them before you installed them?
I really do not think anything else could cause this problem but CHEAPO IC's. Maybe MCM is going into selling cheap china made IC's? I would certainly ask them to prove to you if they were China IC;s or not. If the name Sanyo is not on them, they are NOT sanyo IC's. Is there any other letter on the IC's besides the part number?
The ICs say "SANYO STK394-250A" with "D4L18" in the upper right corner. They weren't that cheap either... I think $32 for the pair. I coated them pretty well with Arctic Silver compound. The small box they came in even says "Japan", but really, it's hard to say if any of that is legit. Now if I understand this correctly, each IC has it's own power source fuse, so one fuse blown suggests one bad IC. But generally, ICs should not be mixed from different lots, so rather than replacing just the bad IC with an old one to diagnose the problem, I should either replace both ICs new, or stick both of the old ones back in, right? According to the schematics, I'll be ok just replacing the fuse, or do other compnents typically need replaced after this event, eg. caps, diodes, resistors, etc?
You must replace both IC's in the set at the same time. Never replace the fuses in this set before finding out what made the fuse blow. It will damage the power supply, as fuse do not blow out for no good reason. The fuses will be in the power supply mounted around the transformer. They will be soldered on to the orinted circuit board.
ok someone left a mitsu tv from 1996 at my house i moved into. it will not turn on. you can hear it click on then right back off. not sure if there is a remote to it for not. but can someone tell me what this might be the model is vs-5046 thanks email me at [email protected]
i was recently repairing my WS-55909. i had had a repairman check my tv ahd he identified that the convergence IC and the fuse F9A05 were bad.
i wanted to fix it myself. I had bought the convergence ic listed based on the list above. it turns out the TV actually does not use the IC "STK392-110"; it uses the IC "STK393-110"
Could you pls double check via the schematics, and if i'm not mistaken, perhaps update the list above.
It wasn't a problem for me, the parts are inexpensive, (~$15).
Larry, for what it is worth, i ended up replacing only the fuse F9A05, since I had it torn apart(a bit risky, I agree) , and the tv turned back on, and is working fine. Only a bad fuse this time.
Hey, thanks for the heads up. I did change that and sorry for the inconvenence. On replacing the fuse. If i were you, I would get the right IC ASAP!!!! Fuses do NOT go bad in these TV sets for no good reason. That IC is bad. It is probably intermittant. If you do not replace it, you could cause major problems in the power supply when it does finally go out. I have seen this happen many times. So thanks again for the heads up, and you replace that IC before your power supply goes bad, and not only will the iC be bad, but another 300.00 repair.
hey guys, is it true that in order to test the pico fuses you would shave to set the DMM on the minimum Ohm reading. if it shows a 0 or a very small number that means its good and if it shows a large nummer its not good?
Basicly yes. You need to measure continuity across the fuse or circuit protector like it was a short. Full meter deflection or on a digital meter, zero or close to it. If it goes to OL or a very high resistance, the fuse is bad or concidered open.
Thanks for the help that you provided. I guess I will try to figure it out from here.
Does anyone know what the small white wire is coming off the flyback transformer and connecting to the screen/focus adjustment module of a mitsu wt-42313 (and probably other mits models).
Anybody on here. I need help please. I started out with an I.C. issue. I replaced them and when I turned the t.v. on I still had the same issue. The lines for convergence were still bowed. I talked to larry and he advised me to change the resistors. I tested them and one of them was blown. I took the old resistors to an electronics suplly place here in kansas city. He gave me two new resistors and I installed them. Now when I turn the t.v. on the green light clicks on and then goes right back off. I unplugged the t.v. set for a half hour hoping that it would reset. Plugged it back in and am having the same problem. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. This t.v. is 8 years old and I dont want to spend the big bucks to have someone else fix it. I dont even know if it is worth it to spend that much money on a set this old. Please if anyone else has ran into this problem or knows something that I dont, I would greatly appreciate the advice.
Did you happen to check the error code for the problem? My set is giving a 22 code which corresponds to 'short circuit protect'. I am not sure what to do from here. If anyone has any suggestions on a troubleshooting method for 'short circuit protect', please let me know. SMorris, press and hold the menu and input button on the set for 6 seconds, then count the flashes... it should repeat the code 5 times I think. My set was working, just red ghosting image. I replaced the ICs and now this. Anyone have any ideas what could have gone wrong? Would a bad lot of ICs cause this problem? Larry.. you seem very knowledgable... ideas?
Thank you very much.
No mine didnt give any codes. I am not sure about yours either, as I am new to this. I have a background in electronics from the military, but this is different to me as it is a tv, and not communications equipment. I am kind of lost right now also. I wish I could help you
snorris, what are the colors on the resistors and what are the numbers marked on the board. Lets make sure you got the right resistors.
JJ, that white wire is for your Screen voltage going to the adjustment block. Your code means something is loading down the power supply. It could be anything from a solder splash, a short across the pins of the IC's you changed, bad IC's, or possibly a plug not in all the way or a plug in the wrong place. Very hard to tell without measureing some voltages in the power supply.
r supply.
Larry, I got those resistors that you told me to get. You had said .82 ohm at 2 watts, so I went and bought some. They looked nothing like what was in the t.v. I put them in anyways and had the powering on problem. So I then took the resistors that were in my t.v. previously and had the people that worked there match them. It turns out that the ones that were in my t.v. were .82 ohm at 1 watt. Those are the ones that I have in the t.v. now but I am still having the same powering on issue. They look like they are gold grey red grey to me. I dont remember what the box said, because I threw it away. They do match exactly to the resistors that were in my t.v. previously though. They are in R520 and R522
OH, ok It is very hard for me to say why the set is not powering up now. Have you tested all of the small fuses in the power supply that are mounted on the board yet?
Well that is where you need to start. There are 5 of them in there I think. They are mounted to the board right by the large transformer in the power supply. They should check shorted. If any measure open, it is bad.
Please help!!!
I have a Mitsubishi WS 55908. when I it's first turn it on the convergence is way off especially the green. But after about an hour or two it gradually fixes itself. Does anyone know what may be causing this? I have almost given up on Larry's help:(
Thank you.
Thanks Larry. Do you know of anyway to test the ICs? I bought them from MCM Electronics... they are also designated A (which I think means lead free or something). I heard that you shouldn't go with the cheapest ones you can find, and these weren't the cheapest, but I suspect they might be the cause since the tv worked FINE before (minus the convergence issue).
Thanks. JJ
Ok so here is the update. I check the board for solder splashes, and nothing. I check the plugs to makes sure they were all in the right ones. I even when though with a razor to make sure there was nothing bridging the gap on the solder joints. And I still have an error code 22. WOW could there be anything else?
Thanks Guys!
I'm afraid you have done everything except taking voltage mesurments. Do you know how to read a schematic and follow circuit flow? This way you can follow the voltage path and find out where or what voltage is getting messed up.
yeah all i need DMM right? or is an osilliscope needed?
I have a Mitsubishi ws-65511 and the tv will not turn on. The power button goes on for about 3 seconds then it shuts off. No picture, no sound just green light for 3 secs and off. Any suggestions? Any help is appreciated!!
Could be convergence IC's, capacitors in the power supply, or perhaps a problem in the sweep power supply. Hard thing to say without getting more info on what voltage are good or bad. My best suggestion is if you have no solid stae repair experience, play it safe and call in a pro to assist you with your repair. Good Luck.
It is really amazing how much info is shared on these posts. So I checked the pico fuses on the power supply board, and fuse F9A05 was open. This is the WT-42313 that is giving a 'short circuit protect' error code. I recently replaced the STK394-250s, but the old ones were not bad as far as I know (the TV still worked fine, except for red 'ghosting'). After putting everything back together, this happens. I have the schematics, but I am having trouble figuring out what could have caused the F9A05 to blow. I was wondering, if you have successfully tracked this particular fuse in any of the other assistance you have kindly been offering?
Thanks. JJ
........ to be more specific, are BAD ICs the only way that pico fuse is going to blow? Meaning, should I be calling MCM and sending these things back? Or could it be something else? Will just replacing the fuse first to check be ok, or will that risk the health of other components? I often read warnings about just blindly replacing fuses because typically they are an indication of other problems.
Thanks in advance for any advice, Larry.
JJ, if the F9A05 or the F9A04 is bad or blown out, for sure you have a bad convergence IC man. Where did you buy the new IC's from as all IC's are not alike, even with the same part number on them. Also, did you make sure you installed the new IC's with a good coating of heat sink compound on the back of them before you installed them?
I really do not think anything else could cause this problem but CHEAPO IC's. Maybe MCM is going into selling cheap china made IC's? I would certainly ask them to prove to you if they were China IC;s or not. If the name Sanyo is not on them, they are NOT sanyo IC's. Is there any other letter on the IC's besides the part number?
The ICs say "SANYO STK394-250A" with "D4L18" in the upper right corner. They weren't that cheap either... I think $32 for the pair. I coated them pretty well with Arctic Silver compound. The small box they came in even says "Japan", but really, it's hard to say if any of that is legit. Now if I understand this correctly, each IC has it's own power source fuse, so one fuse blown suggests one bad IC. But generally, ICs should not be mixed from different lots, so rather than replacing just the bad IC with an old one to diagnose the problem, I should either replace both ICs new, or stick both of the old ones back in, right? According to the schematics, I'll be ok just replacing the fuse, or do other compnents typically need replaced after this event, eg. caps, diodes, resistors, etc?
Again, thanks for the help!
You must replace both IC's in the set at the same time. Never replace the fuses in this set before finding out what made the fuse blow. It will damage the power supply, as fuse do not blow out for no good reason. The fuses will be in the power supply mounted around the transformer. They will be soldered on to the orinted circuit board.
ok someone left a mitsu tv from 1996 at my house i moved into. it will not turn on. you can hear it click on then right back off. not sure if there is a remote to it for not. but can someone tell me what this might be the model is vs-5046 thanks email me at [email protected]
Hi Larry,
i was recently repairing my WS-55909. i had had a repairman check my tv ahd he identified that the convergence IC and the fuse F9A05 were bad.
i wanted to fix it myself. I had bought the convergence ic listed based on the list above. it turns out the TV actually does not use the IC "STK392-110"; it uses the IC "STK393-110"
Could you pls double check via the schematics, and if i'm not mistaken, perhaps update the list above.
It wasn't a problem for me, the parts are inexpensive, (~$15).
Larry, for what it is worth, i ended up replacing only the fuse F9A05, since I had it torn apart(a bit risky, I agree) , and the tv turned back on, and is working fine. Only a bad fuse this time.
Thx, Gary
From above:
MODELS: WS–55859 / WS–55909 / WS–65869 / WS-65909 / WS-73909
IC8C01 267P155010 HIC - STK392-110
Hey, thanks for the heads up. I did change that and sorry for the inconvenence. On replacing the fuse. If i were you, I would get the right IC ASAP!!!! Fuses do NOT go bad in these TV sets for no good reason. That IC is bad. It is probably intermittant. If you do not replace it, you could cause major problems in the power supply when it does finally go out. I have seen this happen many times. So thanks again for the heads up, and you replace that IC before your power supply goes bad, and not only will the iC be bad, but another 300.00 repair.
Ah ha I fount the culprit, F9A04 Pico Fuse blown! If this works, THANKS A LOT GUYS
If you already replaced the convergence IC's, that should do it.
hey guys, is it true that in order to test the pico fuses you would shave to set the DMM on the minimum Ohm reading. if it shows a 0 or a very small number that means its good and if it shows a large nummer its not good?
Basicly yes. You need to measure continuity across the fuse or circuit protector like it was a short. Full meter deflection or on a digital meter, zero or close to it. If it goes to OL or a very high resistance, the fuse is bad or concidered open.