I've read all almost all of this thread and haven't had to ask a single question....until now. I have a WT-42311 (VK20) with a 2-2 error. I've replaced the pico fuse that was out along with both STK392-110's (I used STK394-160's that are stamped Sanyo). I've double checked my soldering with my ohm meter and all connections are good. The set powered up great, but now I cannot adjust the red, green, or blue convergence up or down, (left and right adjustments work). I have tested all of the powder blue,3.9 ohm, resistors near both of these ic's and all test at 3.5 ohms, with one testing at 3.4 ohms. I tested these with the new ic's in and the convergence yoke's disconnected from all three guns. I bought the ic's off of ebay and have almost decided that I got a bad one (or both). Does one of these chips handle the vertical and the other handle the horizontal? (I've read that is the case on some sets). Do you have any suggestions before I give in and buy two new chips from your source? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I have the service manual for this model if you need it.
Jason it would be great if you could upload the manual you have to the technicians corner service manual section, just go to the home page and click on the resources tap than on the technicians corner block then to the upload line enter the make, model and then on the description put in service manual that would surely help out a lot of folks who visit here in the future
Larry Dillon
where did you buy the chips from if they are not original that could be a problem, just because they have the Sanyo logo on them do NOT make them original BUT.
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
I uploaded the service manual for the VK20 chassis and will upload a few more I have laying around this evening. I bought the chips off of ebay. They are actually the molded plastic ones similar to these http://audiolabga.com/images/STK394-250.jpg , but mine are the STK394-160'S. I read on another site that, although designed for the Hitachi sets, these have been used successfully in the Mitsu sets. The pico fuses I got from Fry's electronics, a huge electronics repair store here in Houston and match the Mitsu specs exactly. So, at this point your only suggestion would be to order the repair kit? I have extensive electronics/tv repair exp from years in the arcade business and was hoping to pull this off without buying a 70 dollar kit. Again, the only problem I have left is the convergence won't adjust up and down.
you have resistors or picos bad the kit would have included all these parts that price is not bad if you got original stk ic's most from e-bay we have tested and found to be the Chinese ic,s original ic's cost well over 20 to 25 bucks a pop
You hit the nail on the head I think. I paid 27 for two chips. Luckily the seller offers a 90 day guarantee. I'll return them and buy from the suggested source, as I should have done in the first place. Thanks for your help sir, hopefully my manual and chip buying woes will help another user.
I'm looking for a signal circuit board (#45609 40) for a Mitsubishi Projection TV Model VS-45609...if anyone has one or knows where I can find one, it would be GREATLY appreciated!
I don't think I can repair it, some sort of liquid spilled onto the circuit board from the picture tube and eroded the board. Any ideas where I can get another signal circuit board? contacted mitsubishi directly, but they don't make it anymore..law only requires them to do so for 5 years.
that is right about the law!!n but you can try PTSCORP.com locate the number on the board.and find the telephone # on the site and call them or look for an older set on Gregg's list but you will need to first repair the seal on the leaky tube first.if you need info on doing this ask me please.
Larry Dillon
hey larry thank you for your time. i have a mitsu wt-42313 error code 23 have black lines across the center down to the bottom with jumpy picture on any input and no input. checked the solder on the 3 deflection yokes, they looked ok.
i got a Mitsubishi medallion vs 60719 and the power light comes on but no response from the tv itself and then the light shuts right back off after a few seconds what would you say might be the problem?
Larry, I have a WS-65511 that I replaced the convergence chips about 6 months ago following your advice (they seem to fail every couple of years but now not under extended warranty). Anyway, today when I turned the set on the blue convergence is way off. The blue is several inches to a foot off from where the other colors are. In advanced convergence, the blue "lines" are not vertical lines but instead curves like drawn on a balloon and then the balloon was expanded, making them curves. Should I just replace the convergence chip again (this model only has one 6-way chip) and check the fuses and resistors, or is there something else I should look for or replace? Anythihng I can do to get them to last longer? On my model, they are alot of work to replace.
Thanks, John
ot sure why they would fail every couple of years unless there is a problem with the chips you purchased or perhaps the power supply voltages need looking at as there could be an issue there where did you purchase the chips to replace then with??
Larry Dillon
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
for all of you that your tv turns on for 2 seconds and then right back off, replace the 2 pico fuses. These are located on the main power board on the right. They are lime green and about the size of a grain of rice. One is at location Axxx04 which is a 10 amp and the other is at location Axxx05.
you can get these fuses for a couple bucks each at any local tv shop. Make sure the resistors are good or the fuses will blow again.
First of all, thanks for your replies through the years on this thread. I've read about 10 pages and I have a question about my problem:
I have a WS-65869 with the dreaded warped red convergence problem. Its giving me a code 12 (all normal, I think) so no error codes are being thrown. Would the repair kit from tvrepairkits.com still be the way to go? Just order the kit and replace all the parts? Thanks and I look forward to your reply.
John sorry for the delay getting back to you , had Major computer problems!!!!! answeer to your question It certainly sounds like it would help fix your set so:
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
I'm sure this is a long since dead thread but I recently went through the IC replacement process and I can't get my blue vertical convergence to move. I replaced the 2 resistors that control it as well as the 2 5A pico fuses and the IC but the blue will still not converge. I'm hoping someone here might glance this way and maybe offer an idea. It is a WS-65909 that I was given for free. I have spent near $200 to fix it and just want to get it working. Thanks in advance.
check Blue. freedback vert R8C26=3.3K-1/2 watt,R88C31=150 ohm-1/2 watt,R8C29, R8C29-1/2 watt those are for the blue horizontal, the blue vrtical-feedback=R8C47=150-ohm, R8C42=3.3K @1/2 watts RR8C45 and R8C463.9-ohm@ 2 watts if the blue does not work after you check these resistors swap around the convergence IC'S- Did you use original replacement IC's or cheap replacemenmts
Larry D.
I have a WS-65411. About two weeks ago I turned the tv off to goto bed. Came back to it the next day after work and turned it on. The green light on the front came on for 2-3 seconds and went back off. After reading alot online, I found how to check the error code. Came back with error 22. Here is what I did so far:
-Just replaced the convergence chips " stk392-110's and 2 burnt 3.9 ohm 2 watt resistors and a 5 amp pico fuse. Have fixed all the problems with error code 22 and the tv turns on now. I have a service manual and reset all values to factory settings after seeing that the green raster was bowed. Green raster bows at top and bottom which is causing colors to be off. Have used 4 sets of new sanyo ic chips to make sure that was not it. I am very good with soldering and desoldering. I also have a very good meter. I am able to adjust red and blue convergence up, down, side to side with no problem.
what could cause green raster to be off? If anyone knows, please help.
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK IC'S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made IC'S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases GOOD LUCK!!!
So it turns out my issues was a poor desoldering job on my part. I damaged some of the contact in the trace coming from the ic. Once I found and fixed that it works. Blue now moves up and down no problem. My green is off a bit and I can't converge blue all the way in the upper and lower left and upper right but I can live with it. I purchased all my parts from tvrepairkits.com and got them in just a couple of days. Pretty happy over all.
Hello I have a Mitsubishi WT42311 and the blue convergence will move up and down and to the right but will not move all the way to the left to line up with the yellow cross. Can you help me out with this
do not try to adjust the convergence as the convergence will not go out if an adjustment is out of spec, you have a defectivr component in the convergence circuitThe best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK IC'S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made IC'S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases GOOD LUCK!!!
Larry D.
Hey Larry, I took out my convergence IC's because they were blowing fuses. Now my TV powers on with sound but no video. Two bulbs glow dim but the middle bulb doesn't glow at all. Could this be a bad bulb?
Hi Larry,
I've read all almost all of this thread and haven't had to ask a single question....until now. I have a WT-42311 (VK20) with a 2-2 error. I've replaced the pico fuse that was out along with both STK392-110's (I used STK394-160's that are stamped Sanyo). I've double checked my soldering with my ohm meter and all connections are good. The set powered up great, but now I cannot adjust the red, green, or blue convergence up or down, (left and right adjustments work). I have tested all of the powder blue,3.9 ohm, resistors near both of these ic's and all test at 3.5 ohms, with one testing at 3.4 ohms. I tested these with the new ic's in and the convergence yoke's disconnected from all three guns. I bought the ic's off of ebay and have almost decided that I got a bad one (or both). Does one of these chips handle the vertical and the other handle the horizontal? (I've read that is the case on some sets). Do you have any suggestions before I give in and buy two new chips from your source? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I have the service manual for this model if you need it.
Jason it would be great if you could upload the manual you have to the technicians corner service manual section, just go to the home page and click on the resources tap than on the technicians corner block then to the upload line enter the make, model and then on the description put in service manual that would surely help out a lot of folks who visit here in the future
Larry Dillon
where did you buy the chips from if they are not original that could be a problem, just because they have the Sanyo logo on them do NOT make them original BUT.
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
I uploaded the service manual for the VK20 chassis and will upload a few more I have laying around this evening. I bought the chips off of ebay. They are actually the molded plastic ones similar to these http://audiolabga.com/images/STK394-250.jpg , but mine are the STK394-160'S. I read on another site that, although designed for the Hitachi sets, these have been used successfully in the Mitsu sets. The pico fuses I got from Fry's electronics, a huge electronics repair store here in Houston and match the Mitsu specs exactly. So, at this point your only suggestion would be to order the repair kit? I have extensive electronics/tv repair exp from years in the arcade business and was hoping to pull this off without buying a 70 dollar kit. Again, the only problem I have left is the convergence won't adjust up and down.
Thanks again,
you have resistors or picos bad the kit would have included all these parts that price is not bad if you got original stk ic's most from e-bay we have tested and found to be the Chinese ic,s original ic's cost well over 20 to 25 bucks a pop
You hit the nail on the head I think. I paid 27 for two chips. Luckily the seller offers a 90 day guarantee. I'll return them and buy from the suggested source, as I should have done in the first place. Thanks for your help sir, hopefully my manual and chip buying woes will help another user.
the seller will swear that they are good originals.
go here please.http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
I'm looking for a signal circuit board (#45609 40) for a Mitsubishi Projection TV Model VS-45609...if anyone has one or knows where I can find one, it would be GREATLY appreciated!
cant you repair the one you have go to http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
and look for your model, will be a lot less than a new PCB!!!!!!
Larry Dillon
I don't think I can repair it, some sort of liquid spilled onto the circuit board from the picture tube and eroded the board. Any ideas where I can get another signal circuit board? contacted mitsubishi directly, but they don't make it anymore..law only requires them to do so for 5 years.
that is right about the law!!n but you can try PTSCORP.com locate the number on the board.and find the telephone # on the site and call them or look for an older set on Gregg's list but you will need to first repair the seal on the leaky tube first.if you need info on doing this ask me please.
Larry Dillon
hey larry thank you for your time. i have a mitsu wt-42313 error code 23 have black lines across the center down to the bottom with jumpy picture on any input and no input. checked the solder on the 3 deflection yokes, they looked ok.
any ideas? bad ics?
if any part of your picture is in a 3-D state I would say yes most likely your convergence ic's are in need of replacing!!!!
Larry D.
i got a Mitsubishi medallion vs 60719 and the power light comes on but no response from the tv itself and then the light shuts right back off after a few seconds what would you say might be the problem?
Larry, I have a WS-65511 that I replaced the convergence chips about 6 months ago following your advice (they seem to fail every couple of years but now not under extended warranty). Anyway, today when I turned the set on the blue convergence is way off. The blue is several inches to a foot off from where the other colors are. In advanced convergence, the blue "lines" are not vertical lines but instead curves like drawn on a balloon and then the balloon was expanded, making them curves. Should I just replace the convergence chip again (this model only has one 6-way chip) and check the fuses and resistors, or is there something else I should look for or replace? Anythihng I can do to get them to last longer? On my model, they are alot of work to replace.
Thanks, John
ot sure why they would fail every couple of years unless there is a problem with the chips you purchased or perhaps the power supply voltages need looking at as there could be an issue there where did you purchase the chips to replace then with??
Larry Dillon
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
for all of you that your tv turns on for 2 seconds and then right back off, replace the 2 pico fuses. These are located on the main power board on the right. They are lime green and about the size of a grain of rice. One is at location Axxx04 which is a 10 amp and the other is at location Axxx05.
you can get these fuses for a couple bucks each at any local tv shop. Make sure the resistors are good or the fuses will blow again.
Good Luck and your welcome.
Hi Larry,
First of all, thanks for your replies through the years on this thread. I've read about 10 pages and I have a question about my problem:
I have a WS-65869 with the dreaded warped red convergence problem. Its giving me a code 12 (all normal, I think) so no error codes are being thrown. Would the repair kit from tvrepairkits.com still be the way to go? Just order the kit and replace all the parts? Thanks and I look forward to your reply.
John sorry for the delay getting back to you , had Major computer problems!!!!! answeer to your question It certainly sounds like it would help fix your set so:
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to TV repair kits.com and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, click on here please: http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry
no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK ICÂ’S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made ICÂ’S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases,
I'm sure this is a long since dead thread but I recently went through the IC replacement process and I can't get my blue vertical convergence to move. I replaced the 2 resistors that control it as well as the 2 5A pico fuses and the IC but the blue will still not converge. I'm hoping someone here might glance this way and maybe offer an idea. It is a WS-65909 that I was given for free. I have spent near $200 to fix it and just want to get it working. Thanks in advance.
check Blue. freedback vert R8C26=3.3K-1/2 watt,R88C31=150 ohm-1/2 watt,R8C29, R8C29-1/2 watt those are for the blue horizontal, the blue vrtical-feedback=R8C47=150-ohm, R8C42=3.3K @1/2 watts RR8C45 and R8C463.9-ohm@ 2 watts if the blue does not work after you check these resistors swap around the convergence IC'S- Did you use original replacement IC's or cheap replacemenmts
Larry D.
I have a WS-65411. About two weeks ago I turned the tv off to goto bed. Came back to it the next day after work and turned it on. The green light on the front came on for 2-3 seconds and went back off. After reading alot online, I found how to check the error code. Came back with error 22. Here is what I did so far:
-Just replaced the convergence chips " stk392-110's and 2 burnt 3.9 ohm 2 watt resistors and a 5 amp pico fuse. Have fixed all the problems with error code 22 and the tv turns on now. I have a service manual and reset all values to factory settings after seeing that the green raster was bowed. Green raster bows at top and bottom which is causing colors to be off. Have used 4 sets of new sanyo ic chips to make sure that was not it. I am very good with soldering and desoldering. I also have a very good meter. I am able to adjust red and blue convergence up, down, side to side with no problem.
what could cause green raster to be off? If anyone knows, please help.
Thanks in advance.
Any chance for a manual for my Mitsubishi WS-55413 yet?
The best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK IC'S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made IC'S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases GOOD LUCK!!!
So it turns out my issues was a poor desoldering job on my part. I damaged some of the contact in the trace coming from the ic. Once I found and fixed that it works. Blue now moves up and down no problem. My green is off a bit and I can't converge blue all the way in the upper and lower left and upper right but I can live with it. I purchased all my parts from tvrepairkits.com and got them in just a couple of days. Pretty happy over all.
ok great smart thing on your part but Never mess with the green ALWAYD move the other colors imto the green!!!!!!!!
Hello I have a Mitsubishi WT42311 and the blue convergence will move up and down and to the right but will not move all the way to the left to line up with the yellow cross. Can you help me out with this
do not try to adjust the convergence as the convergence will not go out if an adjustment is out of spec, you have a defectivr component in the convergence circuitThe best advice I can tell you at this point is to go to http://www.tvrepairkits.com/xcart/home.php?partner=larry and order the complete convergence kit for your model of TV set, no need to search and order multiple parts from different sources and pay multiple shipping fees! The kit comes with original Sanyo STK IC'S , not those cheap aftermarket or china made IC'S full pictorial directions, the thermal paste, resistors, the correct Pico fuses, AND free live on-Line tech assistance in case you run into a problem with the repair. They ship out 2 to 3 day Priority mail, the next day in most cases GOOD LUCK!!!
Larry D.
Thanks Larry I just ordered the kit and will let you know how it turns out.
Hey Larry, I took out my convergence IC's because they were blowing fuses. Now my TV powers on with sound but no video. Two bulbs glow dim but the middle bulb doesn't glow at all. Could this be a bad bulb?