The 4Gb versions (minis) seem to freeze more than the regular ones. You need to reset the iPod in order to get it functioning again. To reset:
Hold the menu and action (middle button) together.
This should reset the iPod.
I have heard some people mention that occasionally some albums appear to be missing after the reset due to database corruption. I have not witnessed any db corruption on mine so I cannot speak to that issue.
We have a great 36" Panasonic HDTV on one side of our family room and a great Onkyo receiver on the other side. We want to play the audio of our TV through the stereo. How can I connect the 2 without tearing up our wall to install new wires?
We tried a US Robotics Soundlink, but there is a great amount of background static in the audio. Do you have another suggestion?
Will partially recharging my ipod battery reduce the total life of the battery over time? Also, what is the deal on recharging the battery before it is fully drained? Does this also reduce the life?