As one of the nation’s leading engineering and technology incubators, Innovation Park at...

hello experts! i need help on my tv panasonic tc-21fj20p vertical diode replacement. diode code...

Microsoft Teams
As a short term owner of the Kodak Zi6 HD video camera ($180), I was interested in taking a...

How To Easily Add Plain-Text Pasting to Windows

Copy and paste. Should be simple, right? Although Windows' copy and paste is probably the most often used and most useful functions of all time, the Windows clipboard still has one major flaw - pasting in plain text.

Google Chromebook Review: Can it replace the standard laptop?

In an unexpected move, I recently traded in my beloved iPhone 4 for a Google (Samsung) Nexus S Android handset--mostly to escape from AT&T but also to try something new and see whether all the fuss about Android made sense or not.

NETGEAR's NTV200 Turns Your TV Into a Smart TV

I love streaming Internet content. In fact, I almost never watch broadcast TV or rent/buy physical movies--I purchase and watch everything online. Mostly with Netflix, but I use other services from time to time. I'm also a pretty active Pandora user. 

Lots of TV's that are being sold now are "smart" TV's, meaning that they have apps you can install which will allow you to watch Internet content. The problem is, naturally, that many of us don't own TV's that have these features. Perhaps you're like me and do most of your watching on a widescreen monitor rather than a full-blown television. 

SpikenzieLabs Solder:Time Review--A Fun, Tech-y Watch Project Kit

I'm a self-professed watch geek. Although I'll probably never be likely to drop the required funds on some of my dream watches (or "grails" as the watch community calls them) I fuel my habit with unique, reasonably priced timekeepers.

Like many, I have a specific love for mechanical wristwatches, both vintage and new. The fact that a small, perpetual, precision machine can live on my wrist fascinates me, and it might fascinate you, too! However, sometimes my love for technology can intersect with the watch world, and the perfect embodiment of this nexus is the Solder::Time.

Steve Jobs: Thank You For Changing The Way I View Technology

In the 1980's, you changed the way I played video games, and helped give me a few cases of dysentery on my library visits.

In 2002, you changed the way the I view portable computing. My iBook G3 accompanied me virtually every single day, and OS X changed the way I view how a personal computer could function.

In 2003, you changed the way I listened to music. Through many interesting times, my third generation iPod blasted tunes in my car and in my headphones.

Fling iPad Joystick Review: Just Like A Real Controller... Sort Of

Hardcore gamers often dismiss the iPad and iPhone platforms as being for "casual players only" or not having the depth of traditional console games. However, it's becoming more and more relevant as a gaming platform due to the sheer volume and popularity of titles available--along with the technical capabilities of the platform.

One technical capability the iDevice family does not have, however, is a joystick (or joysticks.) You're left with only a capacitive touchscreen, which, though usable, can often be pretty miserable for gaming. Especially for those of short fingers, like yours truly--effective dual stick gaming on a touchscreen usually ends up being a painful. achy affair.



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