I'm not sure how it started but there is a new pastime that is surely going to sweep the country - Segway Spotting. While we wait for the inevitable Trainspotting movie sequel, I'll start by including a few starter pics.
These are actual pics of my Segway taken in the first month after I bought it. Round, round, get around, it gets around...
Here is the Segway chillin' in the forest preserve:
Segway Spotting - Moving beyond birds, trains, and license plates
Sun, 07/31/2005 - 15:21
Segway Spotting - Moving beyond birds, trains, and license plates
... and here it is hangin' out by the lake:

And enjoying some Java in the coffee shop:

At a Drum Circle?

At the beach!

Blessings abound for the Segway:

Here it is in a clearing in the woods, gently basking in early morning sunlight moments after spooking a clearly confused deer and having succeeded in wreaking havoc in the breakfast activities of the nearby woodland creatures.
At the ATM machine - wonder what happened to all that money in my account? Hmmm...

Art Appreciation - and the sculpture is nice too!

The Segway meets the railway. "This thing corners like its on rails"

i am jealous, but this is my own version... hmmm I must have too large of an image... I personally would like to see the SEGWAY at the ball park, a strip club, and disney world. I challenge thee...
'G' - I will see what I can do but let's be realistic here - CMON! A Ball Park!?!

Here's another one I like to call "Where's the Love?"
Coupla new pics to share. Here's the Segway borrowing some "juice" at the local Jiffy Lube!

Talk about your wedding crashers! Seriously, I almost crashed this thing right after taking this picture (the Segway, not the wedding)!

Ahhh, rush hour. Sucks to be caught in that traffic...

And a 1, and a 2.... Take me out to the ball-park. You asked for it!

You need help. I mean it. Drop what you're doing and see someone with a comfortable couch.
PS -- When do I get to try that thing out?
There's just something about summer and red things with wheels...

Huh! A lefty? Who would've thought?

Family and friends gather around to tend to the wounded and fallen...

I thought a lot about what Mr. Block said and I agree about the couch. Why should I be the only one who gets to relax after a long glide?

My gyroscopes are killing me!
So now who is laughing? Let's see, it now costs close to $50 to fill up your tank in your car and there is a concern about a gas shortage...

So you can call me the Little Red Hen. Noone wants to help me bake the bread but you will all be begging for a ride when I glide past you in line at the pump!
Thirsting for juice! Scotty, I need more power!

Hanging out at the firehouse with ole Betsy. I'll bet she's got some stories to tell.

This is from the folk art collection. Thought the irony of having the space-age contraption en tow while antiquing was too good to pass up.

ICE CREAM!!! ICE CREAM!!! Thank you Ice Cream Man, thank you.

Where is the Need For Speed Underground: Segway Edition?

That's right pal! I took your spot. Wanna fight about it?!?

You may think I'm fooling
For the foolish things I do
You may wonder how come I love you
When you get on my nerves like you do
Well baby, you know you bug me
There ain't no secret about that
Well come on over here and hug me
And, baby, I'll spill the facts
Well, honey it ain't your money
Cause baby I got plenty of that
I love you for your pink cadi-- Segway
To each his own I guess.
What was that expression again? You can lead a Segway to water but ...