did you try and do an alighnment on the convergence, or in the service menu before you replaced the iC'S?, I have seen folks do that and when The Ic is replaced the grid is way off.you may even need to do a convergence center alighnmnt, using the centering rings on the convergence yoke. depends on how bad it was messed with before the problem causing the bad convergence, was repaired first.
I may have futzed with the settings, not knowing what I was doing and got the settings off, like I said the green is bowed at top and bottom, red not centered but lines not off too bad, and blue not centered bowing at bowing and top. guess I need to try one of the guns to see if I can move the lines huh.
Alright, I have the a 46wt510. I am going to order the ICs and test the Pico fuses. I have little to no soldering knowledge but I have computer tech friend that is going to help me out there and I am going to buy the desoldering tool that has been mentioned.
My main concern is the high voltage risk and removing the D and G boards. I have seen the problems with disconnecting the big red wires off the D board. Do you remove them from the board or from the block hanging above the board? Is that the only large risk voltage risk while doing this repair? Is the flyback the gray distributor looking device connect to the D board? Do you need to remove them at all, can you leave them connected and remove the board enough to make the solder necessary?
Thanks for the help, the manual for the 500 sony on this sight doesn't have the schematics for the D board or the G board, at least not that I could find, it was as if the pages were left out. That would be helpful. Thanks.
I was able to tilt the D board up without removing the HV flyback wire. It saved me a lot of wire tracing. Besides having to tilt my head to work on it the biggest issues were finding all the screws and breaking some of the connector hold downs on the side edge that attach it to the board next to it but the connectors still seem to work. The vertical G bd slides out far enough to get to.
How do you slide the Vertical G board out. I was looking at it today and it looks like it might be pretty easy but I was sure what screws to remove. Thanks.
Hi same red converge issue with my 51ws510. rats! is it a pain to do the ic swap x2 vs. the d board swap? i have soldering experience with tiny components but its the desoldering and programming that im concerned about. the board is 130, and 2 chips would be 60 but you have to deal with recalibrating, which is not the case with the D board swap, right? Also please send me a service manual if u can to [email protected]. pando is onboard. thanks.
Can somebody please take a picture of a 1302-180-A D board and post it. I just need a good picture of the soldered side for the convergence ICs. The TV is a KP-46WT510. Please Please Please
I have SONY KP-46WT500 for about 5 years. The Convergence AMP IC (part# 8-749-019-08) has been replaced once by the Tech. The part is $47.37, but the trip and labor was almost $300. Now I have the same problem again. Can you email me the service manual so I can do it myself? Thanks!
Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me I have a KP-65WV700 and the tv shows a good picture but its just to green, no matter how I adjust the convergence in the settings the pictures looks yellow to green the blue color does show and so does the red but green output seems way much any idea what the problem could be?
It has three pictures of the problem. I have spent about 10 hours with my multi-meter trying to figure out why the convergence and text is wrong. I can't find the problem.
This site is great. The convergence problem showed up on my Sony KP46WT500. Replaced both IC's and one 3.5A fuse. Turned it on and got a vertical green line in the middle of the screen. OOPs. The old eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Got the magnifying glass out and spotted a bad solder connection. Resoldered and it came out great. Looks better than I remember. Although that might be from watching a 12 inch screen for the last two weeks. Thanks to all................
I have the 46" Sony and I replaced the chips and two fuses, turned it on and I don't have the warpage anymore but I can't fix the convergance using the flash focus or the standard features, the green is not movable and the red only moves up and down. On one of the IC chips about the 3rd pin in on one side it would not accept solder and there was no green board around the pin, just brown. Is this pin necessary to function? Did we fry the board?
I'm experiencing intermittent problems with my 46WT500; after about 5 minutes of operation, the green beam jumps about an inch to the right, the left side curves inwards, and there are ripples throughout the beam. Red and blue are fine. The issue sometimes goes away by itself for a while, but pops back up later. Powercycling the TV resolves it for another 5 minutes or so. It's this behaviour that makes me think the STK chips are not at fault; a technician I've talked to has suggested the filter capacitor for the green beam. Could this be the issue? If so, where would I be able to find it and on which board? If I can locate it, I could swap it with the one from the red beam and thus figure out if that's the issue. Any advice is more than welcome.
hi i have a sony model #kp-46wt500 color rear video projector tv. The sound is good but the picture is like looking through the bottom of a bottle and the colors are seperated. Its like you are seeing three objects. Is it worth fixing, and wht might be the problem? thanx
Hi Larry,
This post has been great. I'm having a problem with my red convergence. Could you email me the service manual for KP-46WT500 [email protected]
I have the same kp46wt500 sony tv and the exact same problem. Could you please give me the parts number of the IC and where can I get them. I live in canada. thanks
A note of thanks to Larry and all the other experts here. I have a KP51WS510 which was showing some convergence issues. They seemed to come and go (over several months) until finally the blue camera was permanently way off. Over these months I read most of these threads and new exactly what to look for.
I pulled the boards and tested the picofuses. PS5001 on the G board was bad, so I ordered a few 5A fuses and two new ICs from http://www.mcmelectronics.com. Note that I replaced STK392-560s with STK392-570s per the suggestions on this site. For the job I used a 25W iron (non-grounded, WLenk brand from Walmart), copper braid to remove the solder, 0.032” 60/40 (lead-full) rosin core solder, and a magnifying glass.
I was surprised by the detail of the solder connection under the chips. Some connections had solder bridges (correct term?) underneath to other nearby components while other pins did not. I thought it interesting that the chips were not soldered identical either, where one would have slightly different soldering connections than the other. I matched the patterns exactly as I do not question why. I took a ton of pictures before work which ended up helping out a lot!
I got everything back together and it works! A bit of manual convergence was needed (in normal TV mode, I didnÂ’t go in through the service mode) but the picture looks pretty good. I notice now that my blue camera is a bit out of focus and IÂ’m sure there is a separate procedure for that. Just curious, why do people go through the service mode to converge when you can do it outside via the remote and the TV menu?
Once again, many thanks to all who input to this site!!! I had no electronics experience before and learned to solder from the web (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-solder/). I hope the details provided here will help others!
hi i have a sony model #kp-46wt500 color rear video projector tv. The sound is good but the picture is like looking through the bottom of a bottle and the colors are seperated. Its like you are seeing three objects. Is it worth fixing, and wht might be the problem? thanx
Hi Larry,
This post has been great. I'm having a problem with my red convergence. Could you email me the service manual for KP-46WT500 [email protected]
I have the same kp46wt500 sony tv and the exact same problem. Could you please give me the parts number of the IC and where can I get them. I live in canada. thanks
A note of thanks to Larry and all the other experts here. I have a KP51WS510 which was showing some convergence issues. They seemed to come and go (over several months) until finally the blue camera was permanently way off. Over these months I read most of these threads and new exactly what to look for.
I pulled the boards and tested the picofuses. PS5001 on the G board was bad, so I ordered a few 5A fuses and two new ICs from http://www.mcmelectronics.com. Note that I replaced STK392-560s with STK392-570s per the suggestions on this site. For the job I used a 25W iron (non-grounded, WLenk brand from Walmart), copper braid to remove the solder, 0.032” 60/40 (lead-full) rosin core solder, and a magnifying glass.
I was surprised by the detail of the solder connection under the chips. Some connections had solder bridges (correct term?) underneath to other nearby components while other pins did not. I thought it interesting that the chips were not soldered identical either, where one would have slightly different soldering connections than the other. I matched the patterns exactly as I do not question why. I took a ton of pictures before work which ended up helping out a lot!
I got everything back together and it works! A bit of manual convergence was needed (in normal TV mode, I didnÂ’t go in through the service mode) but the picture looks pretty good. I notice now that my blue camera is a bit out of focus and IÂ’m sure there is a separate procedure for that. Just curious, why do people go through the service mode to converge when you can do it outside via the remote and the TV menu?
Once again, many thanks to all who input to this site!!! I had no electronics experience before and learned to solder from the web (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-solder/). I hope the details provided here will help others!
I have a Sony KP-46WT510 with convergence problems, the red color is warped. I replaced the two ICs, due to bad solder job the blue and red were off so I had to resolder the ICs and replace a pico fuse. Now the TV is back to having only the red being off. I have tried numerous times, both in the convergence menu and service mode, to get the red to move up and down but cannot. HOWEVER, I did notice now that the TV gave a blinking code 4(need to check IC1509, Q1505)and I lost my video output (still have audio). Is this a related problem or did I cause myself a whole new set of problems that I have to deal with?
I take it back, I did not lose my video...I had a faulty video cable. The TV red power light does, however blink 4 times. I am SLOWLY able to adjust the red warpage, it looks better than before. Just how slow is this process? Am I well on my way or am I wasting my time?
Ok this is a over used question buttt. Could I please get a copy of the repair manual for the sony kp-46wt500 if anybody has it.. Im glad but sad too see that Im not the only person with a convergence problem. I was going to have a local tv repair shop do it for me but 300.00 to have it fixed is a little steep. So I figured I'll give it a go. Ive done some electronics before and well... If I screw it up it gives me a reason to talk the wife into a new tv. But I would rather save this one without the 300.00 bill for a six year old tv. Thanks
did you try and do an alighnment on the convergence, or in the service menu before you replaced the iC'S?, I have seen folks do that and when The Ic is replaced the grid is way off.you may even need to do a convergence center alighnmnt, using the centering rings on the convergence yoke. depends on how bad it was messed with before the problem causing the bad convergence, was repaired first.
I may have futzed with the settings, not knowing what I was doing and got the settings off, like I said the green is bowed at top and bottom, red not centered but lines not off too bad, and blue not centered bowing at bowing and top. guess I need to try one of the guns to see if I can move the lines huh.
Alright, I have the a 46wt510. I am going to order the ICs and test the Pico fuses. I have little to no soldering knowledge but I have computer tech friend that is going to help me out there and I am going to buy the desoldering tool that has been mentioned.
My main concern is the high voltage risk and removing the D and G boards. I have seen the problems with disconnecting the big red wires off the D board. Do you remove them from the board or from the block hanging above the board? Is that the only large risk voltage risk while doing this repair? Is the flyback the gray distributor looking device connect to the D board? Do you need to remove them at all, can you leave them connected and remove the board enough to make the solder necessary?
Thanks for the help, the manual for the 500 sony on this sight doesn't have the schematics for the D board or the G board, at least not that I could find, it was as if the pages were left out. That would be helpful. Thanks.
I was able to tilt the D board up without removing the HV flyback wire. It saved me a lot of wire tracing. Besides having to tilt my head to work on it the biggest issues were finding all the screws and breaking some of the connector hold downs on the side edge that attach it to the board next to it but the connectors still seem to work. The vertical G bd slides out far enough to get to.
How do you slide the Vertical G board out. I was looking at it today and it looks like it might be pretty easy but I was sure what screws to remove. Thanks.
it will show you a breakaway diagram/ disassembly diagram in the service manual
I will look at that again. Probably just need to review that diagram again because it didn't look simple the first time I saw it.
Hi same red converge issue with my 51ws510. rats! is it a pain to do the ic swap x2 vs. the d board swap? i have soldering experience with tiny components but its the desoldering and programming that im concerned about. the board is 130, and 2 chips would be 60 but you have to deal with recalibrating, which is not the case with the D board swap, right? Also please send me a service manual if u can to [email protected]. pando is onboard. thanks.
Can somebody please take a picture of a 1302-180-A D board and post it. I just need a good picture of the soldered side for the convergence ICs. The TV is a KP-46WT510. Please Please Please
I have SONY KP-46WT500 for about 5 years. The Convergence AMP IC (part# 8-749-019-08) has been replaced once by the Tech. The part is $47.37, but the trip and labor was almost $300. Now I have the same problem again. Can you email me the service manual so I can do it myself? Thanks!
Can you send me the service manual for KP 46 WT500?
Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me I have a KP-65WV700 and the tv shows a good picture but its just to green, no matter how I adjust the convergence in the settings the pictures looks yellow to green the blue color does show and so does the red but green output seems way much any idea what the problem could be?
I have read a lot of your posts trying to fix a convergence problem with my Sony KP51WS520 projection TV. Please take a look at the thread I started for it at: http://www.techlore.com/forum/thread/24561/Please-Help...Sony-WS520-conv...
It has three pictures of the problem. I have spent about 10 hours with my multi-meter trying to figure out why the convergence and text is wrong. I can't find the problem.
This site is great. The convergence problem showed up on my Sony KP46WT500. Replaced both IC's and one 3.5A fuse. Turned it on and got a vertical green line in the middle of the screen. OOPs. The old eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Got the magnifying glass out and spotted a bad solder connection. Resoldered and it came out great. Looks better than I remember. Although that might be from watching a 12 inch screen for the last two weeks. Thanks to all................
Thanks for all the help Larry, set is up and running as good as before, maybe even better.
I have the 46" Sony and I replaced the chips and two fuses, turned it on and I don't have the warpage anymore but I can't fix the convergance using the flash focus or the standard features, the green is not movable and the red only moves up and down. On one of the IC chips about the 3rd pin in on one side it would not accept solder and there was no green board around the pin, just brown. Is this pin necessary to function? Did we fry the board?
Hello everyone,
I'm experiencing intermittent problems with my 46WT500; after about 5 minutes of operation, the green beam jumps about an inch to the right, the left side curves inwards, and there are ripples throughout the beam. Red and blue are fine. The issue sometimes goes away by itself for a while, but pops back up later. Powercycling the TV resolves it for another 5 minutes or so. It's this behaviour that makes me think the STK chips are not at fault; a technician I've talked to has suggested the filter capacitor for the green beam. Could this be the issue? If so, where would I be able to find it and on which board? If I can locate it, I could swap it with the one from the red beam and thus figure out if that's the issue. Any advice is more than welcome.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
hi i have a sony model #kp-46wt500 color rear video projector tv. The sound is good but the picture is like looking through the bottom of a bottle and the colors are seperated. Its like you are seeing three objects. Is it worth fixing, and wht might be the problem? thanx
Hi Larry,
This post has been great. I'm having a problem with my red convergence. Could you email me the service manual for KP-46WT500 [email protected]
I have the same kp46wt500 sony tv and the exact same problem. Could you please give me the parts number of the IC and where can I get them. I live in canada. thanks
A note of thanks to Larry and all the other experts here. I have a KP51WS510 which was showing some convergence issues. They seemed to come and go (over several months) until finally the blue camera was permanently way off. Over these months I read most of these threads and new exactly what to look for.
I pulled the boards and tested the picofuses. PS5001 on the G board was bad, so I ordered a few 5A fuses and two new ICs from http://www.mcmelectronics.com. Note that I replaced STK392-560s with STK392-570s per the suggestions on this site. For the job I used a 25W iron (non-grounded, WLenk brand from Walmart), copper braid to remove the solder, 0.032” 60/40 (lead-full) rosin core solder, and a magnifying glass.
I was surprised by the detail of the solder connection under the chips. Some connections had solder bridges (correct term?) underneath to other nearby components while other pins did not. I thought it interesting that the chips were not soldered identical either, where one would have slightly different soldering connections than the other. I matched the patterns exactly as I do not question why. I took a ton of pictures before work which ended up helping out a lot!
I got everything back together and it works! A bit of manual convergence was needed (in normal TV mode, I didnÂ’t go in through the service mode) but the picture looks pretty good. I notice now that my blue camera is a bit out of focus and IÂ’m sure there is a separate procedure for that. Just curious, why do people go through the service mode to converge when you can do it outside via the remote and the TV menu?
Once again, many thanks to all who input to this site!!! I had no electronics experience before and learned to solder from the web (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-solder/). I hope the details provided here will help others!
KP-46WT500 I have replaced both IC's and no change, also going into the service menu, I can't get the PEJ to come up. HELP!!!!!
hi i have a sony model #kp-46wt500 color rear video projector tv. The sound is good but the picture is like looking through the bottom of a bottle and the colors are seperated. Its like you are seeing three objects. Is it worth fixing, and wht might be the problem? thanx
Hi Larry,
This post has been great. I'm having a problem with my red convergence. Could you email me the service manual for KP-46WT500 [email protected]
I have the same kp46wt500 sony tv and the exact same problem. Could you please give me the parts number of the IC and where can I get them. I live in canada. thanks
A note of thanks to Larry and all the other experts here. I have a KP51WS510 which was showing some convergence issues. They seemed to come and go (over several months) until finally the blue camera was permanently way off. Over these months I read most of these threads and new exactly what to look for.
I pulled the boards and tested the picofuses. PS5001 on the G board was bad, so I ordered a few 5A fuses and two new ICs from http://www.mcmelectronics.com. Note that I replaced STK392-560s with STK392-570s per the suggestions on this site. For the job I used a 25W iron (non-grounded, WLenk brand from Walmart), copper braid to remove the solder, 0.032” 60/40 (lead-full) rosin core solder, and a magnifying glass.
I was surprised by the detail of the solder connection under the chips. Some connections had solder bridges (correct term?) underneath to other nearby components while other pins did not. I thought it interesting that the chips were not soldered identical either, where one would have slightly different soldering connections than the other. I matched the patterns exactly as I do not question why. I took a ton of pictures before work which ended up helping out a lot!
I got everything back together and it works! A bit of manual convergence was needed (in normal TV mode, I didnÂ’t go in through the service mode) but the picture looks pretty good. I notice now that my blue camera is a bit out of focus and IÂ’m sure there is a separate procedure for that. Just curious, why do people go through the service mode to converge when you can do it outside via the remote and the TV menu?
Once again, many thanks to all who input to this site!!! I had no electronics experience before and learned to solder from the web (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-solder/). I hope the details provided here will help others!
KP-46WT500 I have replaced both IC's and no change, also going into the service menu, I can't get the PEJ to come up. HELP!!!!!
I have a Sony KP-46WT510 with convergence problems, the red color is warped. I replaced the two ICs, due to bad solder job the blue and red were off so I had to resolder the ICs and replace a pico fuse. Now the TV is back to having only the red being off. I have tried numerous times, both in the convergence menu and service mode, to get the red to move up and down but cannot. HOWEVER, I did notice now that the TV gave a blinking code 4(need to check IC1509, Q1505)and I lost my video output (still have audio). Is this a related problem or did I cause myself a whole new set of problems that I have to deal with?
"I lost my video output (still have audio). "
I take it back, I did not lose my video...I had a faulty video cable. The TV red power light does, however blink 4 times. I am SLOWLY able to adjust the red warpage, it looks better than before. Just how slow is this process? Am I well on my way or am I wasting my time?
Ok this is a over used question buttt. Could I please get a copy of the repair manual for the sony kp-46wt500 if anybody has it.. Im glad but sad too see that Im not the only person with a convergence problem. I was going to have a local tv repair shop do it for me but 300.00 to have it fixed is a little steep. So I figured I'll give it a go. Ive done some electronics before and well... If I screw it up it gives me a reason to talk the wife into a new tv. But I would rather save this one without the 300.00 bill for a six year old tv. Thanks