gadgets room by room - taking it outside

My favorite outdoor gadget is my Weber Gas Grill. I love that thing. I like having a gas grill because I can turn it off and on easilly without messing with charcoal, it cooks meat quickly and evenly, and a lot at one time. I can cook for a couple days at a time and have leftover steak, beef or chicken to cut into salads. I like to grill vegetables.

With the heat wave we had this weekend (it was over 100 degrees on Sunday) I got up early and grilled at around 6 am. This was effective, no one wanted to eat hot food. Also, it prevents heating up the kitchen from using the oven or the stove. I did all of my gardening while keeping an eye on the grill, and had enough meat cooked to cut up for salads and sandwiches for several days.

This is better than buying deli meats or lunchmeat because I can avoid as many additives as possible, and save money.

Next I am going to try roasting a Turkey breast.

I quit grilling when snow hits, but up till then, I get a lot of use out of my grill.


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