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Why Is Black Level So Important?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


I'm currently deciding whether to purchase a DLP/Plasma/LCD, and I want know what black level actually is? I know it has something to do with brightness... Is there any distinction between brightness and black level, or is it just a synonym?

-submitted by Spikey84

What Kind of TV is the Philips 55PW9363?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...

Does Turning a TV Off and On Quickly Damage It?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...

How Do I Back Up My Contacts on My Motorola Phone?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...

A Tungsten, or a Blackberry???

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...

Can my TV Stay in the Cold?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


I have an RCA 27" TV, and I want to know if it will hurt it by leaving it in our unheated cabin over the winter months in up state Illinois? Also, will it hurt to leave the dvd player there also? Yes, the temperature will get below freezing.


This is one of those kinds of questions that tend to be answered differently by different people. That being said, I'll try to be as objective as possible.



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