Sony Bravia KLV-40U100M No Power B board

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Sony Bravia KLV-40U100M No Power B board

First off I want to thank everyone in this thread:

A friend gave me this nonworking piece of ---- yesterday and I promptly tore into it. I’m a Panny guy and never had problems other than bulb replacement. So, I find the “B” or G2 Board at NR901, Current Limiter INRSH 5 OHM 20% was blown to bits and had left a nice BIG hole in the backside of the board. I spent most of the day searching the web for info, found this forum and the extremely helpful thread referenced above and was able to sort out the mess. I think I read through all 217 posts, but didn’t find this answer…

For those of you facing a no power board have a look at NR901 and if it’s blown here’s where to get the piece: digikey dot com , part # 495-4113-ND . $4.59 for one plus a couple of bucks for postage. It beats the $380 I found for the whole board.

I also checked the condition of the U24 IC on the "A" board and it looks like mine was replaced with a K78W. Kewl! we’ll see if it works and stays on when I get this thing running.



what is the sku of the board

what is the sku of the board I bet has the entire board for cheap. ASC&p=176

oops copy and paste the

oops copy and paste the entire link it seems to have only highlighted half of it

Received the current limiter

Received the current limiter in the mail today, it's about 4 times bigger than what was there, soldered it in, annnddd it works! Best 6 1/2 bucks I've spent in a while.

Thanks again guys and gals.



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