my 5 yr old Magnavox rear projection died on me last week. No audio or video with an intermittent chirping coming every 1 to 1.5 seconds. I have already purchased a new Lcd but began tinkering with this tv for a possible garage television. I checked all resistors around the convergence chips and they all tested good. I replaced the ics with sanyo oem 392-120 and have good continuity from chips leads throughout tracers. I put back together and same thing dead tv other than chirping. Any ideas?
probably solder bridge, bad trace or bad stk's
recheck and redo all connectors, check for wires misplaced under chassis at rear
pull the chassis out, not just tilt it up, and check for coolant leaks, solder bridges and traces on stk's and res's 3149-3160, check all boards for bad solder joints with magnifier, resolder flyback HOT transformers and coils.
no bridges on ics i put in... how long should i leave tv unplugged before stored power leaves the set? dont want to get a shock while i pull out all three boards.
i just checked all resistors again 3149 thru 3166 and got the following values:
3149 3.5
3150 3.5
3151 3.6
3152 3.5
3153 3.5
3154 3.5
3155 3.5
3166 3.6
3157 3.5
3158 3.5
3159 3.5
3160 3.5
3161 97.8
3162 98.2
3163 98.2
3164 98.6
3165 98.0
3166 97.9
all solder points and tracers are good on convergence board... i havent pulled other two boards yet out of fear of electgrocution. gonna leave unplugged another day or two. ANY IDEAS?
not sure if this helps but resistors in slot 3701-3715-3792-3793 dont seem to have about to give up on this and throw out to curb
is it possible that flyback and hot are bad in this? could that cause chirping? ALl solder points look good. any help is appreciated
Ok I got all Boards out of do i safely unhook flyback wires from the three projector tubes? I dont want to electrocute myself trying to do this as safely as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated my email is [email protected] thanks in advance
I'm have the same set and I'm having the same problem. Any solutions or advice would be nice. My Email is [email protected] thanx
mine just did the same thing, with the chirping, that sounds like an air pump, is it a cheap fix?
my set just did the same thing with the chirping, sounds like an air pump. is it a cheap fix?