Another Sony KP-57hw40 with issues!

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Another Sony KP-57hw40 with issues!

I was recently given a Sony KP-57hw40 which supposedly had a bad flyback (6 flashes I think he said, but he was sure however many flashes meant a bad flyback). I bought the part and installed it and turned it on.  It took a minute to come on, and then it came on.  I had no input plugged in, but was just looking for menu displays to see it works so I can move it into my living room.  IT stayed on for a few seconds then turned off and the led flashed 6 times.  I tried turning it on and it came back on.  the screen flashed a couple of times and then it went off again and flashed 8 times.  Also, when I put the main wire into the flyback, it seemed to not catch as tight as the original was in there, but it wouldnt go down anymore and it did hold a little.

It has a brand new flyback in it.  What should I do next (other than give it away for someone else to deal with!)


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