2009 began with a challenge for me. My JVC surround sound system stopped working. The unit will not power on and the standby indicator is off. I checked the fuse and that's good. So now I'm stuck because I don't have the service manual to check further. This appears to be a problem with the standby power supply.
If anyone has a manual that i can use that would be helpful, or if anyone can share some advise with troubleshooting this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hopefully someday I can contribute something of value to this community.
Thanks in advance.
I have the same problem! Did you ever get any results or get it working?
thank you for your help
[email protected]
read another post and it talked about the slow blow fuse. Will get one and see what happens!
Still not fixed. I got the schematics, and been troubleshooting off and on. I think its the IC voltage regulator but not 100% positive. I'm getting some voltage reading not corresponding to the schematic. I cannot have the power on and have access to the pin to take readings. Anyway the replacement partcost $30, but i dont want to buy it and to find out it something else that's faulty. If you's like I could send you a copy of the schematic.
I ended up replacing the fuse but it did not fix the problem. I also looked at the board located close to the bottom of the machine. I had power after the fuse and to a few components but then the power dropped off. The parts to replace the components are costly as you mentioned. I decided it is better to buy a new audio system and a seperate dvd player. I am now a firm believer in buying seperate devices so that I do not lose all devices if something goes bad. I lost my radio and my DVD player all at once. Thank you for your help.
Hello, have a similar problem, replacing the slow-blow fuse did not correct it, I was wondering if you could send me those Schematics? I'd really appreciate it.
Email - [email protected]
have the same problem is it the standby power supply? If so where can I buy one
I didn't bother to repair the unit, I think it is the IC voltage regulator that's the problem but not 100% sure. I looked at the price and it cost about $30. I didn't want to spend $30 on a part and not fix the problem. I have the schematics if you'd like I can share it to you.
for the no power problem, check for popped capacitors. This has been a common problem on the JVC TH-C50. This will be a 1000uf/10v capacitor located on the main board of the receiver unit. The part number is QEZ0654-108Z. The symbol number on the board is C975. You should see the top of the capacitor raised up just a little and rounded off. It's not a tough repair, but, it does include removing the old capacito and soldering in the new one onto the board. Cheap fix to do it yourself, 10-15 dollars if you already have a soldering and de-soldering iron.
Hi smgoins
Thank you for the suggestion, you hit it right on the money that was the exact problem... and fixed it for the cost of purchasing the service manual. I already had a soldering iron and had some spare parts, which included that 1000uf/10v capacitor.
I really appreciated your help....
I want to thank smgoins as well. My JVC TH-C50 experienced a power surge which was OK after I reset the surge protector. However, the next day the unit would turn on and shut back down immediately. I checked the fuse which was Ok. Turns out it was the capacitor exactly as smgoins had said. I paid $2.50 for the capacitor and another $2.50 for solder and now I'm back in business! No telling how much it would have cost to have a shop do it. Thanks again.
SMGOINS, thank you!! I found this thread after the ceramic fuse one(having ordered from JVC and it did nothing). I went to Radio Shack and had the guy get me an equivalent that is actually a 1000uf/35v had an electrician capable friend solder the new capacitor and it fired right up! $3 fix. So happy right now. Techlore is awesome.
I just got the capacitor mentioned above...but i wasnt paying attention when i took the old one out, now i do not know which way to put the new capacitor in, Any advice?
Does anyone have a copy of the schematic that I can take a look at? Mine has no power and the fuse is good. I think mine might need a power supply IC, but I have no way of knowing without a diagram. The capacitor mentioned above seems to be OK, too.
i dont mean to be a bit slw here but where abouts on the board is the part C975 as can not find it
thank you
I first tried the slow blow fuse mentioned earlier from Radio Shack and the receiver didn't turn on. I saw someone else say to replace the capacitor (1000uf/10v). Radio Shack had the 1000uf/35v as another person said. I desoldered the capacitor that was rounded off at 975 and soldered in the new one....
The TH-C50 lit back up and works like the day I took it out of the box 5 years ago!!!!!!!
1. A four pack of slow blow fuses $3.80
2. A 1000uf/35v capacitor $1.20
Total spent = $5.00 You can't beat that!
I thought my reciever was toast but the capacitor replacement has it playing like new! $1.99, can't beat that.
Thanks guys!
Sorry for updating an old thread.. BUT...
I am facing the same issue as mentioned here. So I opened my subwoofer to change the capacitor and no 1000uF capacitor at all.. There are four 4700uF capacitors...
What do I do now?
Hey "YEs-I". Did you repalce the capacitor inside the subwoofer? In mine, theres no 1000uF capacitor at all... Only 4700uF capacitors !!
so i had just replaced the 1000uf/10v and put everything back together and it works like brand new well now im having the same problem with the subwoofer i plug it in and stanby light will not turn on and fan in back wont turn either so if someone tell me what i should now would be great
Thanks Smgoins ;-)