Magnavox 27MS4504 turns on, clicks then dies

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Magnavox 27MS4504 turns on, clicks then dies


 I'm hoping someone can help me out.

 I have a 27" Magnavox TV. The TV powers on--green light is on, but I see a snowy picture and vertical lines, followed by three clicks and the image folding in and disappearing then nothing. The green light does stay on though, but the TV does not show an image.  I just had cable installed today--it was hooked in directly to the TV and when attempting to change it to hook it in through the DVD player this happened. I disconnected the TV from the cable box and put it directly to the electrical outlet to no avail.

 Any ideas on what the problem might be?? I called Magnavox tech support and they weren't much help. I can't access the menu while it does turn on momentarily using the remote.

 Any ideas on how to fix this? I bought this TV about 3 years ago.




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