Would you use a handheld device with a folding screen?

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Jeff Block
Would you use a handheld device with a folding screen?

Evidently somebody would.  Dutch company Polymer Vision plans to release its Readius mobile phone.  They claim it will go head to head with iPhone and Kimble, but I'm way more skeptical.  It gets you a "big" screen on a small device, but I envision this thing to be made in China by the cheapest labor with the cheapest parts possible, so it breaks on the 5th time you unfold the screen.

Hope I'm wrong, but .......   Anyone got an opinion on this thing?  Look interesting?  Worth it to you to get that bigger screen? 

Chris Miller
That thing would last a week

That thing would last a week if you're lucky.  Pass.

Looks like it needs a lot

Looks like it needs a lot more developing, and that probably isn't the best material a person could use for that type of device, to my knowledge most phone plans last 2 years, and if you opent hat phone 30 times a day for 2 years that equals out to 21,900 flips in 2 years. PRETTY sure that wouldn't last that long


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