How big is too big for a TV?

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Jeff Block
How big is too big for a TV?

Well, at CES each year we expect someone to trump the world's largest TV stat.  This year, Panasonic unveiled an 11 foot by 6.25 foot plasma television - roughly the equivalent of nine 50" TVs in a square.  (*rolls eyes*)  Not that it isn't an impressive feat of engineering (with an impressive price tag to go with it - maybe $100k? - exact amounts weren't specified), but give me a break!  At what point does it just become ridiculous?

And that's my question...  Is it ridiculous?  Will any size TV, no matter how large, be something people drool over?  Could it ever get too big?

For me, yes.  What about for you?

Jeff Block
Oh and one more thing...  How

Oh and one more thing...  How many nuclear power plants do you figure we'd have to build to run a suburb full of these things? 

(*gets in final eye roll before calling it a night*)


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