this place looks like a good place to ask for help so hear is my problem..I have a sony big screen model #kp-61xbr48 ser#9017347 man date 11-97..color rear video projector.We have sound but no picture..when you unplug the set & plug it back in all 3 lens will light for about 3-5 seconds then go out & stay out until it gets unpluded & pluged back in.Would this be something anyone out their knows how to fix..or is it time for a new set..thanks for what ever help you can give..Vinny
that kinda sounds like an akb problem, does the set code, the light in front of the tv blink, it will blink a repated pattern count the blinks
ok it should repeat the code, so you can count. it will pause, then blink the code, then pause again. it will do this pattern forever.
good morning mr.zapdbf, when we 1st turn the set on today the light would just blink with no pause.counted over 100. how high of a number would we be looking for? (lens did not light up)..we turned off the set, turned it back on,the light blinked 4 times ,lens light up for a few seconds,then go repeating..turned it on,light blinked 4 times lights then goes out again,& so on..tryed about 10 times..same thing..
ok, the number should be between 1 and 10 no more than that. let me look at the manual for that set.
ok, this is an older unit that does not have a blink code, sorry. these are harder to troubleshoot here because you have to preformed more detailed tests. From what you are describing it may be the akb circuit. it is a special circuit that will measure the current coming back from each tube to make sure the white balance is good, the symptom of all three coming on, most likely they are changing in intensity up and down. The akb circuit is trying to achieve balance and cannot. it will then mute the video. If you have noticed a color shift before it went out, this may be what is going on. The possible causes are a bad picture tube, or a bad crt driver. there are other reasons but those are the most common. This set will require more in-depth troubleshooting than I can provide here. You may want to call a local tech, and see what he says, but be prepared for a bad crt causing your problem. I think that this is likely because of it’s age.
when the 3 lens light up they are bright then go dim before they go out.this is only for about 3-5 seconds..would you have any ideal on a cost..or would i be better off getting a new set.
Well, one that old, will have very worn tubes, you can guarantee that someday the tubes will wear out(if it is not the case right now) that is a definite. I can only speak for myself, but i would look at a new television. you got 10 years out of it, that is not that bad and about par for the course.
Helo, I have the same projectortv and the symptoms on mine aere similar, except the three lins stay lit, the lines are curved adn they stay on all the time the tv is on. is it posible I may have the same issues? in my case the LED in the fromt will blink diferent times every time I turn it on. the number of blinks is relative to the brightness of the three lines.
Another question, is the AKB board teh one with a trnsformer like component that has what appears to be a high current cable (think) that goes to what appears to be a distribution box that has the same type of cables (3) each going to each picture tube? this board I am attempting to discrived has wha tapperas to be four test points on one corner with the foiloowing label; Hold - Down - HV - Red
Helo, I have the same projectortv and the symptoms on mine aere similar, except the three lins stay lit, the lines are curved adn they stay on all the time the tv is on. is it posible I may have the same issues? in my case the LED in the fromt will blink diferent times every time I turn it on. the number of blinks is relative to the brightness of the three lines.
Another question, is the AKB board teh one with a trnsformer like component that has what appears to be a high current cable (think) that goes to what appears to be a distribution box that has the same type of cables (3) each going to each picture tube? this board I am attempting to discrived has wha tapperas to be four test points on one corner with the foiloowing label; Hold - Down - HV - Red
My KP-61XBR48 has no picture. It's 12 years old and only have sound. THE PROBLEM - I had a plumbing disaster and water poured down on the set. Obviously that was the cause, but is is possible for me (a non-techie) to fix the problem? I took the back off and it was a mess - covered in so much dust, I couldn't even make out the shapes of the various components.
My kp-61xbr48 has a blinking rear lamp in the back (the middle green one) which is making my picture pulsate...... what do i do to fix this ??
My set has no sound or picture.....just blinks red in thr front when i turn it on. U can hear it turn on but that's all. My Sony is a 1998...anything i can check myself ?
Have same TV.
No picture. Blinks 7 times.
A friend , with same TV and gave me every part from his TV.
I have replaced three boards . Starting from side of TV nearest power cord.
Sounds like it is powering up.
Still nothing.
i need a kp61xbr48 for the mirror, the 2screens, and the plexiglass front protective cover on the front of the tv. If anyone wants to sale these parts please let me know.
need parts or whole tv for parts model kp61xbr48. Need mirror, both screens and plexiglass front protector for the screen.
I have one of these tvs i got for free just 2 wks ago check it before I brought it home.Me and the owner of the tv helped me get the tv into the truck got it home me and my roomate took it off the truck then we heard what sounded like a mirror crashing got it off the truck got it into the hohouse turned it on on the right hand upper corner you see shdes of color and what looks like something crack on the upper right side of the screen and a piece of glass on the bottom. But other than that you have some picturd would be nice if I knew what it was a can it be fixed. If someone knows please let me know whether its a screen that is causing that or is it a lamp cracked.
Thanks allan.
Where do I go to get this tv checked out i think i broke the mirror by moving this tv to my house very heavy. [email protected]
The answer given seems highly unlikely. I hate it when these "techs" or "experts" can't seem to diagnose a problem without a code. The standby light means that the tv is powering on but cannot get power to the CRTs for some reason or other(which is why they aren't coming on and lighting up, DUH). That being said I am having this same problem on the same set with the exact same scenario. I'd start by taking a VOM and checking capacitors on the power supply board. Also there should be relays on the power supply. Make sure they are clicking on power up. I'm going to fix this set and I WILL post the repair as soon as I get it figured out. I just need a couple days to clear a few more projects out first. I haven't found a decent tech on any of these forums. They act helpless unless they can see a code and look it up in a manual. Some of this stuff is just common sense diagnosis. A problem that seems this common to these sets specifically must be as specifically common to repair and honestly the solution should be somewhere posted. If I'm the one who has to do it so be it. But even on these pay sites seems the "techs" are "opting out" of this one due to lack of knowledge. I'll find out.