I have an AIWA NSX V2100 Mini System. It has been sitting around forever and I want to sell it on EBAY. Anyway, it works fine except the CD player will not rotate and the tray will not open/close when the button is pushed. I have checked the fuse and wiring and it looks fine. Does anyone know how I can fix this thing myself? I need to make the tray rotate and the drawer open and close. Thanks!
There are a number of reasons for the behavior that you describe. The most common is the failure of the flat ribbon cable to the motor on the tray. The problem is that to replace this the tray must be removed. Re-aligning the tray is a bit tricky and is not something I could easily describe to you. Drop me an Email with your location and I'll try to provide you with some options.
Hey Dan,
How do I fix this problem? I put a meter on the wires and there is no resistance, however their seems to be no voltage going to any of the four motors under the tray. How do I take the tray apart? I can't take one of the circuit boards off in order to get at the motors. What do you suggest I do? How do I take out the tray?
I'm sorry to say that this type of repair does not lend itself to a descriptive walk through. After the first 50 or so, you kinda get a feel for these. As far as the voltage goes, if the unit is not in the proper alignment, there will be no motor movement, thus no power to the motors. If you are local to me, I'd be happy to show you, but I realistically can not describe the rpocess enough to walk you through it.