I recently purhased an Altec Lansing VS2421 Speaker system and the audio from the speakers works great.
My question is, how do I use the mic that came with it and/or how do I plug it in? The "limited" setup diagram on the carton states that the mic is built into the included control module. However, I haven't a clue as how to set it up in order to use this mic.
Any help would be appreciated. I have attempted to seek help from Altec Lansing support to no avail.
On the back of the controller module, there's a USB cord. That will send the mic signals to the computer. In whatever program you're using that needs a mic, go to the settings area and choose your speaker controller as the device you want to use for the mic.
Let me know if that gets you going. If you need further instructions, let me know which program you want to use the mic with, and I'll see if I can get you more details.
Thanks for your reply.
However, I do not have any USB cords or even a USB jack or plug on this controller
The USB cord should be hard wired to the controller box and coming out the back of it along with the headphone like cable with the green connector (assuming you've given the right model number). IS it that your controller doesn't have the cord, or your computer doesn't have a USB port?
There is NO hardwired USB cord, USB plug or jack on the controller of this Altec Lansing Model # VS2421 Speaker kit. However, I DO have 10 USB ports on the computer, including a 4 port USB hub.
The controller module has only: 1 mini headset jack, 1 MIC OUT jack, 1 AUX jack and a MIC Led that is not illuminated
I just looked at Altec's docs again. You're right, I mistook the cable that goes to the sub for a USB cable. My apologies.
Mic out sounds like the jack you need to use. To use it you'll need a 1/8" to 1/8" male-male cable long enough to go from that jack to the Mic input on the back of your computer. I hope it came with one, otherwise you can pick one up at the local Radio Shack or similar type store.
It will look like this:
I found the cord and hooked it up as you suggested, However, the system is unable to recognize any mic I plug in either of the front or back panel of my Gateway machine. Perhaps I need to purchase an "HD mic"
Thanks for your help!
At this point, I believe that you are missing a device driver. Please post the version of Windows that you are using. We should be able to guide you on how to check for drivers.
Hi Dan
I am using Vista. thanks for the reply!