my kenwood kr-950 receiver has always had a weak right channel, but now its about half as loud as the left. i've had it for about 23 years now.does anyone know what the problem is and is this something i can repair myself? i don't think its the speakers because i've switched them and its always the right channel.
thanks for any help
There are a number of possible causes for this problem. Bad regulator for the right channel, bad "dif" amps, dirty switches or controls, are some of the possibilities. Try turning on and off the tape monitor switch as this is one of the most common problem areas.
The KR-950 is a good system and should never have had one channel weak. This system is worth getting repaired and shouldn't cost more than about $75-$100 for labor. These vintage receivers sound better than any newer ones (in my opinion) and should be preservewd if possible.