water damage

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water damage

I was watering my plants , that sit on the top of my entertaiment center, when one over flowed and driped on the back of my t.v.  Is it repairable or do I need to buy a new one.  I do get sound and a little picture but the picture will only last to the count of 5 and it is only a yellowish green with a bright white line down the right side of the screen.  can some one help?

Larry Dillon
red34, this would really

red34, this would really depend on where the water hit the printed circuit board.  You may just have a burnt connection on the board or you could have a major board problem, If you have no TV reopair experience, please play it safe and call out a pro to assist you with this repair. Good Luck and let us know how you made out with this repair. 


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