Hi guys, i have a receiver STR335, and when i select <center speaker> it says not in use,also it seems like my str 335 just now notice that beside the <not in use center speaker> when i change between tuner and one of the audio inputs it don't respond right a way just when it wants, is this a switch or cold solder, or connection,? any ideas.thanks
Center speaker not in use could be a setup issue. In the speaker setup for the receivers menu, is the center speaker set to NONE (you've probably already checked, but have to ask)? A simple fix if that's the case.
As far as the tuner to audio input delay, how long is it? 3-5 seconds... 30 seconds... minutes?
The delay can be caused by a power supply problem or a problem with the switching chip (tc9163 I think). If the 5V supply line is being loaded down to 4.2V or so, the onboard micro could be getting confused and not performing correctly. Check the voltage at the +5V regulator (most likely 7805).