I have a polaroid lcd monitor, model FLM-2601. I have owned it for almost 2 years. It does not turn on. About 3 months ago it started making a hissing noise when it was first turned on and after a few minutes stopped making the sound. Sort of like in a science fiction movie with the jacobs ladder. But it would show the picture (very well as a matter of fact). Then earlier this week when I turned it on it would try to start (I could see the "No Signal" screen) and immediately would go dark. Turning it off and on several times it would eventually stay on. After a week of this it finally just remains off (the screen is dark and the indicator light on the monitor is red/organge not blue indicating that it is off) although the signal is reaching the set from the sat reciever as I can hear the audio. I am guessing that it is the power supply. Any help received will be greatly appreciated.
Actually your problem sounds like it is in the inverter for lighting the tubes. Unfortunately I don't know if the inverter board is available as a seperate item or, like most LCD's now a days, is part of the entire LCD panel.
true the inverters are not available but this is most likely the p.s what color is the power supply board white or black....let me know i may have a few....otherwise the whole control box is needed and you dont want to get this it is very$$$$$$$$$$$$
Thanks for getting back so quick.
I have tried to get the back cover off and have removed every obvious screw I can see, except for the two screws that are under the bar where the inputs connect on the right side. Can these two screws be preventing me from taking the plastic cover off? Screws don't seem to be the only things holding the cover on. I can lift the cover slightly around the edge but it does not seem to want to come off so I can gain access to the inside. I don't want to pull to much on it as I don't want to break the plastic.
Anyway, I had the unit unplugged for about 2 days and then plugged it back in. I went through the routine of turning it off and on to get it to stay on. I did notice that although the screen was dark I could make out an extremely faint picture and could hear the sound. The picture eventually came on.
If I could get the back off I could at least maybe see where the fssst noise is coming from and go forward from there.
I have very little experience with tv's but I have assembled several pc's from the motherboard up so if it is a matter of unplugging a component and replacing it I might be able to service it.
I have the same TV but I don't hear any noise. If I leave it unplugged for awhile and plug it back in. Then turn it on the light turns blue then red real quick. I can't see any picture at all.
The inverters for this set is not available for this set without purchaceing the entire LCD panel making the set not worth repairing. You get what you pay for I'm afraid.
i have a polaroid 32 inch lcd i have had it 2 years and 1 month. My tv turned off one day while a few weeks ago and it wont turn on... i got it through circuit city and i have a warranty it has taken 3 weeks they just came out to fix it.they thought it was the power supply. they reaplaced it and it worked for 3 minutes and now the picture wont work. they said it needs another power supply so im her waiting for more parts.... they wont replace it and im without a tv for going on a month... from this point on i will not buy polaroid... i suggest you make ur purchases through circuit city but stay away from polaroids... atleast i am
I have a 2 year old FLM2601 that just don't power up all the sudden, I searched the internet and found this to be common problem for the model. To solve the problem the easiest way, I decided to replace the whole power supply assy. I got the replacement part from
"Best Buy Partserach". Part number is: 6LM00220C0 (or Advent 667-L27M6-20C), about $90. I swapped the assy and everything work fine now. Hopefully this time it last more than 2 years.
It took me a while to take the back panel off, you need to take off all the screws, inclding those holding the bracket for I/O ports, the RF will remain connected by wire, but you can wiggle it through the opening once you loosen it. Also I took the TV off the stand.
Good luck!
this is very helpful,I can check out a few of these items for my Lcd tv. thanks
great news man,!that happens to be a very very common part that blows up on these TV sets!
Thanks JesseC for the part info, etc. I almost threw the set out the other week. Now this will be my next project. I just won't be able to get to it for several weeks.
I have the advent ht2751a model and I was watching it and then it went off and it will not come back on. it makes a clicking noise when I try to turn it on. the fuse was replaced and it still makes the clicking noise this tv was purchsed back in may of 2004 do you think it would be worth fixing
thanks ,
haha I have the same polaroid set with the same problem, I'm thinking about buying the power supply but I have no experiance with assembling or messing with the parts of a TV.....is it difficult changing the power supply?
I did not fix the tv because it was going to cost about $300.00 to fix just for the parts and I didnt know how much the labor was going to cost but since the power supply needed to be replaced. the spearkers were not working due to a board or a compaciter on the board going bad and the remote sensor didnt work and then ot turned off and didnt come on again so I bought a 19 inch toshiba lcd dvd combo the 27 inch was really too big for where the tv was anyway so I down sized so that the tv would fit and look good in the room it was in
uh oka thnx for the info I'm thinking of just getting a new 19" LG lcd set its for around 279$ at bestbuy...since this seems to cost more to repair then actully buying a new set
I thought those TV's had an external power supply adaptor?
I have a problem I dont know how to get the power suplymain of a monitor polariod FLM-2601 the power main doesn't work and small LD and CBY diodos I cant get then so i'm thinking into replacing the whole parts how do I get them. could you be able to help me by give me the part number, web site or, telephone number. please and thank you
Thanx JessyC for the part #s. I searched online at various sites (e.g. PartSearch, Best Buy, eBay, Amazon, etc.) for the two possible power board parts but get the msg
Thanx JessyC for the power board part numbers Advent 6LM00220C0 or 6LM00220C0. Problem is the search for either one of the search is futile. PartSearch, Best Buy Parts, Amazon, eBay say that the parts are -- "No Longer Available." Anyone out there knows where to get the parts or altenative parts???
Hey Pete W, do you still have the power supply?
I don't know anything about this stuff. What I got back from the service guy are 7 small pieces. 2 are barrel shaped 3/4" lond and 1/2" wide with 2 metal wires out the bottom, 3 much smaller pieces of the same design 3/8" lond and 1/8" wide, some flat blue piece with 2 wires and a rectangular piece black plastic with a metal insert with 3 wire? prongs. I have no idea what they are.
Thanks though if you can help!
Pete if you can get me a picture of the items he sent you I can prob help you out
MCM Electronics has this part, 6LM00220C0, for $49.95.
RE: PETE...the parts sound like ( and most likely are)capacitators...I found a 19
I have a 46" polaroid lcd that all the sudden wont turn on. The power light blinks from blue to red
i just purchased a used polaroid 32 inch when plugged in the red light will come on when you hit the power button you ge a blue light but nothing happens no sound any suggestions...thanks
I would venture to say that if you have sound, it would be the power assembly. No sound would mean the inverter is bad and no parts are available. The symptoms of my 26" were the same as yours but I had sound. I replaced the power assembly and it works fine.
The small parts with wires are capacitors. Polaroid tv's had a problem with bad capacitors. They are only $1 a piece and take about 5mins to change out. I had to change a couple out a few months ago.