I have owned my Pioneer vsx-305 stereo reciever for about 7 years now and noticed lately that there is no sound coming from the rear speakers.
I bought new speaker wires and swapped all my speakers around and they all work.......just no rear speaker feed what so ever coming from the receiver.
I'm curious as to whether or not this is worth purchasing a service manual for $14.99 and trying to fix myself.......or if it is a lost cause and will end of costing more to fix than to retire it and get a new one.
Any input or help is appreciated on this,
Thank You,
If memory serves me right, the rear speakers are powered by a multipinned amp pac that is slightly larger than a transistor. I don't believe that the rears used discrete components. Unfortunately without looking at the unit or getting some measurements, I can not tellyou what the problem is. I will look up this unit and try and provide more details. If you were to bring it to a shop, I would not expect to pay any more than about $75 including parts. I repair many units of similar specs to this for about that amount.