Zenith System 3 (1989) Model #SF2023H

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Zenith System 3 (1989) Model #SF2023H

This unit is hooked to an InVoca Remote. In the past , TV would stay off for hours at a time. No response to either power buttons. This time it has lasted for 4 days. there is a memu, but it cannot be accessed until the unit is on. When the power buttons are pushed, you can hear the clicks as if it turns on and then immediately off. Any help would be appreciated.I am raising 3 grandchildren and this is our one source for entertainment.

Larry Dillon
The fact that you can hear it

The fact that you can hear it trying to come on means most likely that the power supply is good. I,m going to guess that the horizontal output transistor is shorted because the flyback transformer went bad. Common problem for a set like this. I,m not even sure if the main module is still available for a set of this age. The transformer and transistor, will cost you more then a new set. It is time to put this puppy to rest, because as sure as the sun will shine sooner or later, the moment you repair this, something else will go bad in this TV., There are no user replaceable parts inside this set my freind, so if you want to invest in this TV set, Play it safe and call in a pro to assist you, but I really think it's time to get a new one. Good Luck, and please let us know what you decide. Happy Holiday's


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