IR Repeaters for LCD TV...Help

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IR Repeaters for LCD TV...Help

I'm totally in the dark here....HAHA

We have decided to purchase a LCD TV and it's to be wall mounted. We have the electrical outlet, the cable/sate connection, and the phone connection already placed in the wall. But my wife doesn't want all the cables, boxes, etc displayed underneath. A friend of ours said we should use "repeaters" that way we could hide the boxes, etc in a cabinet somewhere else in the house or room so as not to distract from the furniture. First, is there a simple way to explain what a "repeater" is to me? Second, if we did use this type of set up does the LCD picture quality suffer. Any help , equipment suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Larry Dillon
The IR repeater would so you

The IR repeater would so you can use the remote control without all the equipment being in or around the LCD monitor location.  If you want wireless video, thats another monster all by itself.  Look at this great article we have here for just what I think you need.  Good Luck, and please let us know how you made out, or if you have any more questions.


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