need help install a cd player n a saturn

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need help install a cd player n a saturn

 i can't get  it to keep the memory after i set my  channels oncei turn the car  off it loses memeory

Larry Dillon
The reason your radio wont

The reason your radio wont keep the memory is that your standby wire on the radio is not hooked to a constanly on wire. There are two wires for the power one is red and most of the time the memory or standby wire is yellow. The red wire should go to a switched voltage source, like where the factory radio was connected and the other power wire should go to a non switched or always on or hot power source. Do not use the blue wire as that is for an auto antenna . Please follow the wireing diagram exactly. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance and let us know how you made out. Good Luck

hey. I got a question. I

hey. I got a question. I installed the radio and everything, all the wires are sodered but when I started it no power came to the radio and the doors did not beep when they were open? I think I might have blown a fuse or I need to reset something? PLease help meeee


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