toshiba rear projection problemo!

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toshiba rear projection problemo!

my toshiba television has volume but the picture is just bright red.......any ideas folks?....its a 43 inch but i've no idea what the serial number is!....sorry....blonde lady without a clue here in desperate need of an answer or two!!!....thanks folks...x

Larry Dillon
kirsten, Your set sounds

kirsten, Your set sounds like there is a crt drive problem or the crt itself is bad. There is alot of high voltage on the crt socket assy., so I would advise you not to mess around with this part of the set if you have to solid state TV repair training. If you know someone who has worked on a few TV sets, they can(with the set off of course)pull off the red crt socket and take off the one next to it, the middle one, and that would be the green crt,take off that socket and install the red on on it and make sure to install the gree one where the red one was. Turn on the set. If the pic is still all red then I would say the crt is bad. But if it turns on with a green picture, then there is a problem with the red drive circuit, and it will need to be checked out. You will need to most likly call in a pro or get a service manual to reapir this set. Let us know how you made out and Good Luck.

cheers larry. i was going to

cheers larry. i was going to phone a television repair man tomorro and see if they can fix it, is it fixable then?...

Larry Dillon
Oh yes it certainly is

Oh yes it certainly is fixable.  Just all depends on how old see is and if see is still in good shape.  Wink

hahahahhahahaha......ah well,

hahahahhahahaha......ah well, its only 2 years old!......thanks a million larry, your a darling...x

Larry Dillon
Oh yes for sure worth fixing

Oh yes for sure worth fixing then. Please let us know what they found as maybe it will assist somebody in the future.

they are coming to collect it

they are coming to collect it on thursday and will tell me monday or tuesday what the score is, so when i know i'll definatly stick it on here, and hopefully it will help somebody else...x


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