interno supongo, es un portatil serie y , entre a panel de cotro y aparece desconectado el microfono, nunca lo he desconectado ni le he conectado nada..ayudame!!!!
no te entiendo. el caso e q no funciona, aparece como desconectado cuando entro a panel de cntrol, dispositivos de audio y sonido, dispositivo de high definition audio, y o se como conectarlo.
me i cuenta de que no funcionaba cuando intente hacer una llamada en skype y no me escuchaban la voz
que debo hacer
Ir al icono de volumen en la barra de inicio a continuaci?n, haga clic y vaya a dispositivos de grabaci?n y debe tener un micr?fono integrado haga clic y establecer como verificaci?n de device.also de comunicaci?n de forma predeterminada los niveles de volumen de la misma y si el va a utilizarlo para skype, puede que tenga que establece skype para programa.
llego al mirofono integrado y sale despositovo predeterminado, funcionando correctaente, con un chulo, o signo de bien en verde. le doy clik y me entra a las propiedades hay cinco ventanas . genereal, escuchar, niveles, mejoras y obciones avanzadas, ahora q hago
creo q el problema es con el audio digital, dispositivo high definition audio que aparece no conectao y una flecha roja hacia abajo en el icono
q hago
muchas gracias
?Qu? syatem operativo tienes? suena como no tiene un controlador para it.go iniciar, control panel, sistema luego dispositivo a gestor se tiene que ser el c?dec de audio de alta definici?n de IDT en sonido y video juego controller.right haga clic en ?l y haga clic en actualizar software de controlador o volver a instalar el controlador.
tengo windows 7, he echo lo qque me has indicado, ya actualize y dice que es corecto, aun con esto sale no conectado el dispositivo de high definition audio, y aun no funciona itento grabar un video para probar y no reconose la voz, aun no funciona
?Volver al administrador de dispositivos y haga clic derecho en la IDT defenition alta audio CODEC haga clic en properties.when que aparece es un cuadro que indica el estado del dispositivo lo hace decir en ese cuadro?
ok, i speak a little, a gona explain you again what?s happen with my computer, my problem is that my computer don?t recognize the microphone, i think so, becouse i try to use my computer to talk by skype and the other person can?t listen me. after i try to record a video and my voice is not heard. i had look the control panel and in sound, i can see that the high definition audio dispositive is not conected, the speaker is good, when i enter in the audio HD, the disositive looks with rigth connection, I've done everything you have told
and my micrphone is not working yet, please help me!!!!
Puede publicar fotos en este sitio Web.Lo siento, me tom? tanto tiempo para volver a la ten?a que conseguir algo de comer.Vaya a la barra de inicio y luego derecho haga clic en el icono del altavoz y haga clic en dispositivos de grabaci?n.?Tiene una marca de verificaci?n verde en el micr?fono integrado?Haga doble clic donde dice micr?fono integrado.No tiene informaci?n de jack porque est? integrada en la placa base.Por encima de la deber?a decir controlador informaci?n haga clic en el bot?n Propiedades para la informaci?n del controlador y dime cu?l es el estado del dispositivo para esto.
haha Damn im embarassed. .This guy under the id BRAIN-SURGEON is a geniuss =)) or maybe i am the dumbest. Coz since last 3 hours i like crackheads was looking for a solution to this problem. But all i had to do was to RIGHT-CLICK in the recording devices tab and enable my mic,as it was saying no sound installed.
May ALLAh Bless you!!
I have the sane problem, my mic worked a couple weeks before, i was chatting on tinychat. Now when i try to chat on skype it doesnt work and the other person cant hear me. Also when i use sound recored, it doesnt pick up anything, i need help, ive been restoring my laptop and.fustrating over this!!!
what OS are you running? Try going to the sound icon on the start bar and right click it and adjust audio properties under the audio tab there should be sound recording half way of the page make shure it points to your recording device. Click the volume on the sound recording and make shure its turned up. Make shure its enabled.
excuse recording device didn't work because i ever plugged in an external device,even after i plug out that device it still didn't work(couldn't sense any sound),plese help me!thanks.
i have used the way above like show the disable devices,but it still didn't work,it turned on and everything displayed well(it says the device working correctly but it didn't hear any sound from any source).i confused.
1.Frm Start Menu. .Search "SOUND". .the Sound window will open with tabs like "Playback" , "Recording" , "Sounds" etc. . Click on "Recording" tab. .
2. In "Recording" tab, If the option "MIcrophone" is visible, then RIght CLick on it and enable it. But if theres nothing visible, then right click on the empty window and select "SHow disable devices" or "show disconnected devices" . .THe MIcrophone option will thn b visible and u can enable it
** im sure it will solve ur problem. .if not then check preferences of ur yahoo or skype or wateva u wanna use and set it frm there.
** If ur problem still not solved, then search the experts on this site or on google. .and tell him ur problem, as i am no expert.
thanks for you's little worked but the microphone only heard when I shouted in front(very close)of the microphone,it didn't hear the music that i played loudly.
Hi, I am in need of advice on how to get my new logitec desk mic to work using voip. the mic audio is clear coming across spkrs on laptop but nothing when using google ph. All diagnostics for mic come up fine and can hear person on other end fine but they don't hear me at all.
hi, i have a sony vaio vgn-nr295n w/ a logitech desk mic pluged in that sounds fine over laptop spkrs. and diagnostics says all is working;
but there's no audio when using voip , ie: google ph. The person on other end is heard fine but they hear nothing from me. Plz help
my computer has an internal mic but is not showing me whats wrong i have tried all things thats said up here and i still can not get my mic to work i need to know a website to download my hardware again cant find it
I to am having trouble with the same thing except my "mixer" doesnt have a mic option in it.when i go to my "sound" in control panel then go to "recording" the bar that should be moving in green when i talk or tap my mic does not do so.I also plugged in a external mic and it did not work worked one day then wake up and didnt work anymore any suggestions? i am going crazy with out it.husband travels with work all over the world and its our only way to talk and see each other..been without for past 3 days
interno supongo, es un portatil serie y , entre a panel de cotro y aparece desconectado el microfono, nunca lo he desconectado ni le he conectado nada..ayudame!!!!
?me puede dar un peque?o fondo en lo que es lo que intenta utilizarlo con?
no te entiendo. el caso e q no funciona, aparece como desconectado cuando entro a panel de cntrol, dispositivos de audio y sonido, dispositivo de high definition audio, y o se como conectarlo.
me i cuenta de que no funcionaba cuando intente hacer una llamada en skype y no me escuchaban la voz
que debo hacer
Ir al icono de volumen en la barra de inicio a continuaci?n, haga clic y vaya a dispositivos de grabaci?n y debe tener un micr?fono integrado haga clic y establecer como verificaci?n de device.also de comunicaci?n de forma predeterminada los niveles de volumen de la misma y si el va a utilizarlo para skype, puede que tenga que establece skype para programa.
llego al mirofono integrado y sale despositovo predeterminado, funcionando correctaente, con un chulo, o signo de bien en verde. le doy clik y me entra a las propiedades hay cinco ventanas . genereal, escuchar, niveles, mejoras y obciones avanzadas, ahora q hago
creo q el problema es con el audio digital, dispositivo high definition audio que aparece no conectao y una flecha roja hacia abajo en el icono
q hago
muchas gracias
?Qu? syatem operativo tienes? suena como no tiene un controlador para it.go iniciar, control panel, sistema luego dispositivo a gestor se tiene que ser el c?dec de audio de alta definici?n de IDT en sonido y video juego controller.right haga clic en ?l y haga clic en actualizar software de controlador o volver a instalar el controlador.
tengo windows 7, he echo lo qque me has indicado, ya actualize y dice que es corecto, aun con esto sale no conectado el dispositivo de high definition audio, y aun no funciona itento grabar un video para probar y no reconose la voz, aun no funciona
?Volver al administrador de dispositivos y haga clic derecho en la IDT defenition alta audio CODEC haga clic en properties.when que aparece es un cuadro que indica el estado del dispositivo lo hace decir en ese cuadro?
que el IDT???
llegue a a la ventana q me dices y aparece que el dispositivo esta funcionsndo correstamentenra
?lo siento que mi espa?ol no es habla a ingl?s?
ok, i speak a little, a gona explain you again what?s happen with my computer, my problem is that my computer don?t recognize the microphone, i think so, becouse i try to use my computer to talk by skype and the other person can?t listen me. after i try to record a video and my voice is not heard. i had look the control panel and in sound, i can see that the high definition audio dispositive is not conected, the speaker is good, when i enter in the audio HD, the disositive looks with rigth connection, I've done everything you have told
and my micrphone is not working yet, please help me!!!!
if do you want add me to skype so i can show you my scren, so you could help me better
Puede publicar fotos en este sitio Web.Lo siento, me tom? tanto tiempo para volver a la ten?a que conseguir algo de comer.Vaya a la barra de inicio y luego derecho haga clic en el icono del altavoz y haga clic en dispositivos de grabaci?n.?Tiene una marca de verificaci?n verde en el micr?fono integrado?Haga doble clic donde dice micr?fono integrado.No tiene informaci?n de jack porque est? integrada en la placa base.Por encima de la deber?a decir controlador informaci?n haga clic en el bot?n Propiedades para la informaci?n del controlador y dime cu?l es el estado del dispositivo para esto.
estado del dispositivo: este dispositivo funciona correctamente
?Tuvo una marca de verificaci?n verde para micr?fono integrado?
please add me in skype, so i could show you my scren, please!!!!
if do ou want i can give you my name in skype su you could add me...
?Tuvo una marca de verificaci?n verde junto al micr?fono integrado?
haha Damn im embarassed. .This guy under the id BRAIN-SURGEON is a geniuss =)) or maybe i am the dumbest. Coz since last 3 hours i like crackheads was looking for a solution to this problem. But all i had to do was to RIGHT-CLICK in the recording devices tab and enable my mic,as it was saying no sound installed.
May ALLAh Bless you!!
I have the sane problem, my mic worked a couple weeks before, i was chatting on tinychat. Now when i try to chat on skype it doesnt work and the other person cant hear me. Also when i use sound recored, it doesnt pick up anything, i need help, ive been restoring my laptop and.fustrating over this!!!
what OS are you running? Try going to the sound icon on the start bar and right click it and adjust audio properties under the audio tab there should be sound recording half way of the page make shure it points to your recording device. Click the volume on the sound recording and make shure its turned up. Make shure its enabled.
excuse recording device didn't work because i ever plugged in an external device,even after i plug out that device it still didn't work(couldn't sense any sound),plese help me!thanks.
i have used the way above like show the disable devices,but it still didn't work,it turned on and everything displayed well(it says the device working correctly but it didn't hear any sound from any source).i confused. go to the control panel find sound then click the recording tab and make shure your device is enabled and working.
i have turned it on,but......yeah it still didn't work.
@ ASEP. .
1.Frm Start Menu. .Search "SOUND". .the Sound window will open with tabs like "Playback" , "Recording" , "Sounds" etc. . Click on "Recording" tab. .
2. In "Recording" tab, If the option "MIcrophone" is visible, then RIght CLick on it and enable it. But if theres nothing visible, then right click on the empty window and select "SHow disable devices" or "show disconnected devices" . .THe MIcrophone option will thn b visible and u can enable it
** im sure it will solve ur problem. .if not then check preferences of ur yahoo or skype or wateva u wanna use and set it frm there.
** If ur problem still not solved, then search the experts on this site or on google. .and tell him ur problem, as i am no expert.
thanks for you's little worked but the microphone only heard when I shouted in front(very close)of the microphone,it didn't hear the music that i played loudly.
Hi, I am in need of advice on how to get my new logitec desk mic to work using voip. the mic audio is clear coming across spkrs on laptop but nothing when using google ph. All diagnostics for mic come up fine and can hear person on other end fine but they don't hear me at all.
hi, i have a sony vaio vgn-nr295n w/ a logitech desk mic pluged in that sounds fine over laptop spkrs. and diagnostics says all is working;
but there's no audio when using voip , ie: google ph. The person on other end is heard fine but they hear nothing from me. Plz help
my computer has an internal mic but is not showing me whats wrong i have tried all things thats said up here and i still can not get my mic to work i need to know a website to download my hardware again cant find it
I to am having trouble with the same thing except my "mixer" doesnt have a mic option in it.when i go to my "sound" in control panel then go to "recording" the bar that should be moving in green when i talk or tap my mic does not do so.I also plugged in a external mic and it did not work worked one day then wake up and didnt work anymore any suggestions? i am going crazy with out it.husband travels with work all over the world and its our only way to talk and see each other..been without for past 3 days