Philips SL400i wireless media .

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Philips SL400i wireless media .

I bought a Philips wireless multimedia unit some months ago which is connected through my TV and designed to connect wirelessly to my pc so that I can play my music using my tv speakers and home theatre system.  The set up for both my wireless pc and the unit is simple yet the unit cannot locate my pc when in search mode.  I have a wireless router set up for my internet connection which the unit has found and identified but it still cannot find the pc. I have tried disabling the router and trying to connect directly to the pc but with no change. The unit indicates that the signal strength is too weak. I have added a free standing ariel, but again no change. I have even positioned the pc infront of the unit and still it can't find it !!!

I am almost at the... ' throw it out of the window stage!!!!'



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