computer shuts down when i try to transfer pictures

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computer shuts down when i try to transfer pictures

I just bought my first digital camera, an Olympus SP-320.  When I try to transfer pictures to the PC, the  PC shuts down.  This happens just after I connect the USB cable.  When the camera menu opens and I select "PC" it says "one moment" and then it shuts down.  Every time.  Any suggestions?Thanks!

Thanks for responding. Our

Thanks for responding. Our system is a pentium 4 with 256 of ram. The computer is running and working fine until I connect the usb and select "PC" on the camera LCD. Then the camera says "one moment" and the computer shuts down. We have used my sisters camera and connected it without difficulty. We were unable to use a memory card stick from my husbands work recently from a different camera. It did the same thing. I took the new camera to my neighbors computer and it worked fine.


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