I just bought a new iitronics IMP-65 256MB for my father's birthday and he's hopless with computers so i had to download the music for him. I did this and everything seemed to be fine until i tried to play the music and it flashed on the display No Authority. Does anyone have only idea what to do.
just brought imp-65 128mb, everytime i try and use the update tool on the disc it wont work so i cannot get the fucking thing to work, any ideas
i have the same problem as dolittle69,so any ideas would be helpful
Are you getting write protect errors when you try to write to it? If so, try 'unlocking' the MP3 player first before connecting it to your computer.
just bought a imp-65 256mb player, loaded onto pc ok but when tryed to download music onto it from msn the only thing i got was the artist name and track but now music, displayed unknown format. can you help!!
i just bought a imp-65 256mb and after spending atleast 2 hours tryin to get it to work, now that i noticed that everyone else is having the same problem with putting music on to the thing, i am getting my money back for it.i am saying don't buy this!
i Boubght a 1gb imp-65 I was just wodering if the battery(R00p) that it comes with is rechargeable can anyone help me
I bought an Imp 65 1GB. Same problem as Natz. Pat63
hi do you have any idea how to update imp-65 256 mb?
There's obviously much confusion on how this particular player works. If anyone would like to donate their player to TechLore for a little while, I'd be happy to try and figure it out and write up a user guide on how to get it to work.
Or, if there are no takers, does anyone have an e-mail address for Inovix (I'm under the impression that's the brand who makes this player)? I'll see if they'd be willing to send me one for a few weeks.
I am currently on my 2nd IMP 65 as my first one was faulty. I have just managed to solve why my player was showing "No Authority". I believe that the player does not support WMA files and will only playback MP3. this is what i have found anyway.
You can rip the tracks off your cds and into mp3 format by selecting the mp3 option in Windows Media Player, tools, Options, rip Music, and then change the format from WMA to MP3. the MP3 files do take up more memory space than WMA but so far, this is the only way i have found to playback music.
Well, thats one good deed done. i'm off to the beach to roll some whales back into the water.!!.
I found the same solution as richies 6662, after downloading the latest version of MEDIAPLAYER. However my 1GB model claims to play back WMA files. The only address I can find on the packaging is www.iitronics.com. I now seem to have problems with accessing files. Pat63.
I believe the No Authority/Unknown format message is because the player does not support DRM (Digital Rights Management) i.e. can't handle licensing issues. You need to change the settings in media player (Tools>Optiions>Rip Music and uncheck 'copy-protect files) and re-rip them.
The biggest issue I had with the player (after a friend asked me to help him), was that despite having copied hundreds of tracks onto it, it just displayed a 'No File' message when trying to play them. I spent hours piss arsing around trying to resolve this and would have smashed the shit out of it had it been mine. After reading pages and pages of forums (hence my sudden expertise above) I decided I would just format the drive.
Temporarily move all files onto your pc, open My Computer and right click the drive, click format and completely wipe it. Move the files back onto the player and hopefully you'll be in business.
Another important thing to note is that the M button is effectively the 'enter' button when navigating the device. The Play/Pause button (which I was stupidly trying to use) does exactly that only.
had a 1gb for xmas put music on no probs,come to put more on today windows tells me unformatted do you wish to formattt pressed yes tris to do so then comes up windows unable to do so,and to piss me off more it wiped all my music off and cant put anymore on...HELP...
i bought an iitronics imp65 2gb does the same as everyone elses. the only music that played was music that i had on dvds that were mp3 fomat. but will try mp3 format from media library . also turned licences off still didnt work
Similar story at this end.
2gb version purchased from 'Argos' in the UK.
DRM message instead of MP3 display. Couldn't shift it.
Wandered on to this site after trying to track down www.iitronics.com.
Have tried all solutions detailed above. No luck at all.
Things going back to the shop tomorrow.
I have recently bought an iitronics 1GB mp3 player but when i copy songs on to it, it says - cannot copy the directory or file cannot be created. can someone help me please?
help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help can t find www.iitronics.com where has it gone!!!
I was bought an IItronics IMP-65(4GB) for fathers day. My first problem is simply "AGE", poor eyesight and arthritic fingers. I have to use a magnifying glass to read the display, I found the "Quick start guide" easier to read than the "User manual". I have a program on my computer that turns all music to MP3 files. I simply plugged the device into a USB socket, Windows XP home edition SP2 recognised it and as per instruction, began to create files: Rock,Pop, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Clasical etc. I have had no problem with uploading any music, Vinyl discs, CD's, Old tape cassette's and downloaded music from the net. My only problem is, after switch on, it automatically goes to the first file, Rock: from that point I cannot operate it correctly to find the other files.
I have tried to access the IItronics web site to give feed back but to no avail.
Thank you.
I just think most of your problems are due to inexperience...
You aren't supposed to copy/paste tracks over, try using windows media player, plug the mp3 in, click sync, then drag n drop...
Hi i have a iitronics mp3 player imp-65 plays all my little jimmy dempsey guitar music cds from my computer but wont play all my bert weedon guitar music from cds it wont play all guitar solos can anyone help thank you Rone
Hi i know this thread is old but i had to post.
Just bought the iitronics imp-65 4 gig mp3 player and its faulty out of the box!!
the play button turns the unit on but will not play, pause or turn off the unit.
So its basically useless. there is no update tool on the provided mini cd and the iitronics website does not exist any more!.
I just wanted to get hold of the update tool to try to re flash the unit but i can't find it anywhere on the web.
does anyone here have the update tool they can email me?
does anyone here have the update tool they can email me?
TBH, I think your best bet is to return it and get a different brand. Hopefully you bought one that you can return, otherwise, you may be out of luck.
Thanks for the reply, i am waiting for the seller to contact me regarding a RMA on it.
I just received my Itronics IPM-65 4 gb and it works fine. I'm using mp3 format only. When I ordered it I did a little research and I read these posts, which made me relutant to pick my order when it arrived. But I took a shot, I brought it home and its working fine. However, I don't use others formats other than mp3. Like you say in the US of A