error message H03 on portable dvd

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Tiffany Myers
error message H03 on portable dvd

I am getting an error message of H03 on my portable dvd. It is a Panasonic LS-50. The disk will not spin. Please help my daughter not get into very much trouble by telling me what this means! And that is can be easily fixed. Thanks

Matt Whitlock
Though I couldn't find a

Though I couldn't find a specific cause for the H03 error, I did find some user groups that say its a problem with the laser assembly getting stuck. I seriously doubt your daughter could have caused this, it seems to be a common problem with the LS-50.

Supposedly, taking apart the unit apart, and releasing the laser assembly from where it's jammed does solve the problem, but I can't give any guarantees that it will. Use extreme caution if you open up your player. If you're uncomfortable doing this yourself, any authorized Panasonic repair center should be able to fix this pretty easily.


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