I have a 515 mp3 player it's the long skinny one where you open the end and it's got a connection on the end to hook to the usb port I'm able to have more directories so I can have more songs I was supost to I guess make them I'm only able to 100 on there I'm suppost to be able to have 250 2 more directories I don't know how to make them can you tell me how to make them thanks
Hi Jennifer,
Can you provide the brand and model of the player? There's just not enough information to help you.
Also, when you say you're "only able to 100" does that mean you can only fit 100 songs on the player? Is the 250 number the amount of songs you believe it should hold?
I Know it's a Digital mp3 player voice recoder it's a 512 not 515 it also says mp3 player dvr on it don't know what that means I don't know what brand it is can't you still tell me how to do it thou 100 is the number of songs it will hold now 250 is the number of songs it can hold only if I had the other directories thats all I know I got this from ebay it didn't come wit ha dics or anything or info on how to get more songs on it it's a media flash player I think thats what it's called thanks for your help if you can
Hmmm.. never heard of a player that can only recognize 100 tracks per folder (folder replaced the word directory quite a while ago). If you need to add another folder, you'll need to navigate to the "My Computer" area. Most portables are recognized as "Removeable Disk". Double click it, and add a new folder in what would appear to be the appropriate place. Name it something similar to the old folder. Without more information on the player, those are about the best directions I can give.
On flash players, space is your biggest limiter. It sounds to me like your player has 512MB of flash memory. How many songs you can fit will depend on the encode quality and length of the song. Make sure that your problem isn't simply that you're out of space.
can you tell me how to make the directorie I am able to have more songs on there do you know anyone that can help if you can't tell me how to make a directorie like you would anything and I will try that thanks bye
The last Line I ment Tell me how to make a directorie like you would any other player
ok...this would be my 2nd post..but...MY FRIENDS MEMOREX MP3 PLAYER WILL NOT TURN OFF! It wont do ANYthing! please please help!