Cyber-shot dsc H1 instructions/troubleshooting-- nearly worthless! ! !

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Cyber-shot dsc H1 instructions/troubleshooting-- nearly worthless! ! !

I just bought a Sony Cyber-shot dsc H-1, and the simple instructions for merely turning on the flash appear to be worthless. Granted, this is my first digital camera, and it's a major one to start with, but anyone who can set their digital alarm clock can follow the simple instructions to get the flash operating. It's a simple matter (according to at least two sets of instructions) of pushing one clearly marked button -- but to no avail.

And forced flash? No-go there too!

Does anyone out ther have one of these things and know where I can get phone or live on-line help?


Hey, I'm a major klutz!

Hey, I'm a major klutz! Scarcely 15 minutes after posting this question, I stumbled on the solution, after pondering it for nearly an hour before I posted.

While shooting, I accidentally pressed the "Continuous Shooting Mode button" -- located VERY, VERY near the shutter button, so this mistake is easy to make -- and that prevented the flash from going off.

Once I understood what that button was for and DELIBERATELY hit it, I was able to adjust the flash mode and get the blasted thing to turn on.

The Continuous Mode button is oddly marked "/BRK" -- still trying to figure that one out, but oh well. It is located to the right and rear of the shutter button, close enough to accidently hit.

Klutzes ROCK ! ! ! :)



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