Switching to digital

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Kodiak deckhand
Switching to digital

Our cable company has fired the first digital shot at us in SW Alaska, GCI cable is starting to convert to digital.
Everything I currently own is analog except for the DVD player.
On weekends I work two 12 hours shifts. I currently run three VCRs...sometimes all at the same time...movies and sports. Although I seldom watch all 18 to 24 hours of tape...have always enjoyed the option.
Today I had to pick up the box to convert digital to analog or go without a couple of channels in my package.
My questions are: (since digital is brand new to me)
How can I...when my cable goes completly digital...maintain the same ability to record several(more than two) channels? Do the new recorders have digital tuners? And if they do can I simply run that from the recorder thru the cable box to my analog TV? I do plan to buy a digital TV...but not tomorrow.
I just want to be able to do what I'm doing now with all analog. Thanks for your help.
Tony in Bethel, Alaska

Matt Whitlock
Tony, This is a great


This is a great question, and something that those who are used to the way analog cable works need to be aware of as we approach the digital transition. First, you should be aware that the DTV transition is actually not the same thing as your cable provider offering digital services... not exactly anyway.

Though the explanation is a bit long for a forum reply, your question has inspired me to do an article on this topic. I'll address the implications to cable, satellite, and terrestrial users.

Also be aware that if Hollywood gets it's way, you won't be able to record anything in the future, that or it'll delete itself from your digital recorder after a predetermined amount of time. Consumer rights to fair use are in serious jeopardy. Read this post for more about this: http://www.techlore.com/forum/thread/12518/?page=1

I'll post back here when the article is available.


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