panasonic sa-ht75 home theater system

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panasonic sa-ht75 home theater system

My home theater system when powered gives an f61 code on display and then shuts off. I am told that it has something to do with speakers. I have disconnected them one at a time and the problem is still there. Could it be a resister or the relay?

Matt Whitlock
First thing to try is a hard

First thing to try is a hard reset. Unplug it for 30 minutes to an hour and plug back in.

If it still doesn't work, and you've disconnected all the speakers, Panasonic says it's a power supply problem. Unfortunately, they're not any more specific than that.

Tried it,I am going to take

Tried it,I am going to take it apart and start checking it as soon as I get enough time.(power supply) puts me closer than I was.Thanks I will let you know.


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