Denon 3805 and Denon 3910

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Denon 3805 and Denon 3910

I can't get the Denon ddd link cable to work,does anyone have a solution to this problem ? Thanx in advance.

I need help connecting my

I need help connecting my denon rcv and denon 3910 using the d link cable. When I try to select
the connection on the menu its gray and I can't
get to change.

Any help with this is would be great.

Matt Whitlock
Make sure you've assigned the

Make sure you've assigned the D-Link connector to the proper input in the Digital Input Assignment screen in the menu, as well as adjusted the D-Link "no signal" properties (I'd recommend setting the no signal switch to the analog connection, but use the external input if that's your alternate from the DVD player).

Make sure that you have engaged the Denon Link connector in the DVD player's setup menu, and have properly configured it for the receiver you're using. See page 16 in your user manual for more on this.

From there, switch the receiver to the input you've assigned it to, and set the receiver to AUTO mode. When you play a digital or multi-channel signal, the sound should come through the Denon Link.


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