TV zenith 52" bad pic, need help

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TV zenith 52" bad pic, need help

zenith z52z95 projection tv picture is off balance,three colors are working but they are not aligned on each other,picture curves in the midle like an X,

Ron Repking (not verified)
Can you post of picture of

Can you post of picture of what it is that your TV looks like when it has this problem? Use the "Add Images" link when posting.

(No subject)

Hi again:here are the

Hi again:
here are the pictures, thank you for the respond,if the pictures are not clear let me know to send more,

Ron Repking (not verified)
Pictures are great. Thanks

Pictures are great. Thanks.

So, since you knew enough to bring up the convergence screen, I'll assume that you also tried to converge the set and that didn't work. If not, the instructions are at the top of your second picture.

I'm not a TV repairman (my disclaimer :-), but I did have a similar problem earlier this year. A serviceman came out and opened the TV and determined that the convergence output needed to be replaced. He did it at my house. I can't tell you how much it cost because my TV was under warranty. There could be other things wrong, but to properly diagnose, I think someone's going to have to look inside your set. Hope this helps.

Ok now , I asked a repairman

Ok now , I asked a repairman to check it out, his diagnostic was the power supply and the convergence board, since I do diagnostics my self (in another field). I didn't like the way he worked, first he pulled out an analoge multimeter and checked somthing, then he used a digital multimeter(both very basic units). he never tried to converge the set and told me the power supply and entire convergance board should be changed and he can not do the job at home it should be at his shop(he added next time I should buy a RCA TV because they are the best). So I didn't belive him .Now I have my main board on hand and try to find the voltage regulator of the power supply. So I need the main board diagram and specs for convergence output to check check them out.
thank you in advance

Here I am again, thanks to

Here I am again, thanks to you and other sites,I found two of four resistors burnt on my convergence board, replaced all four of them. here is the result.problem fixed. thanks again

Ron Repking (not verified)
Great to hear you were able

Great to hear you were able to fix your problem! How did you find the board diagram and the specs for the convergence output?

They were 4 one Ohm

They were 4 one Ohm resistance, I found them by colour codes. only two were burnt, I changed all of them.
now after two weeks my Antena/Cable menu is gone, I can watch Cable throw my VCR, or watch DVD or any other input, not throw cable input.
any ideas?

Where can I get a schematic

Where can I get a schematic or where is the convergence board located on a 56 inch projection Zenith


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