my tv is SONY WEGA KV-27FV17<--------is this set safe to be degaussed???
to clearifly my issue
my tv screen is a bit messed up. words on screen has a pink shawdow, and it is much more pronounced at the top and bottom. then there are darkened areas on screen, also, the bottom of the screen would wave left and then right and then left slowly consistently with one another (i knew the right bottom waved before i degaussed it, didn't check left side)...discoloration at the corners as well. *ALL* due to magnet being used close to screen.
i tried using the internal deguasser to solve the issue. i unplugged tv, left over for a night and turned on..and NOT just one time. no imporvement.
now, i tried to degause it with an external degausser, but i don't have clear instrcutions to excute this. please help with this. i stand 5-7 feet away from the tv, then i turned on the degausser, i walk slowly toward screen with degausser paralell to screen, making small circles, about couple inches from screen, i stop walking and continue to circle the degausser and gets bigger and bigger to the other edge of tv and that consists of 5 total circles, then i back away while making circles and gets smaller....then about 4 feet away, i stop, turn degausser to perpenditculae to screen, turn off degausser...this all takes within about 10 seconds...correct?
my instruction says, to circle the front, the top, the sides, for 2-3 mins and then move back with degausser facing the screen, then turn off...the degaussing i did didn't have any noticeable improvement for my i supposed to do the sides, the top too? i am just afraid i would harm the tv for doing too much.
is my tv screen beyond repair (desgussed)?
Calling degaussing experts!!! please help sick tv
Sun, 07/31/2005 - 01:40
Calling degaussing experts!!! please help sick tv
so the pink shadow means i damaged the convergence with a manget?