I have a ScanDisk usb mass storage device and my system recognizes the thumb drive as working properly; however, whenever I try to save a file to the thumb drive it tells me cannot find specified file and to specify correct path and filename. Any suggestions?...Steve
Hmmm... I actually own a 256MB Cruzer Mini, and it's the best flash drive I've ever used. I've never had a problem like what you're describing. What OS are you using?
First let me apologize for misspelling Sandisk..I am running XP home edition. My Device Manager shows the flash drive to be working and recognizing the drive as drive (E); however, for some reason it cannot read the flash drive. Thank you for taking the time to bother with this issue!
If you have the Titanium model, and you're using the encryption software, that could be giving you problems.
Otherwise, there's some possibilities I can think of:
1. The thumb drive is broken
2. The computer is recognizing it, but there is a driver issue.
3. You need to reformat the drive.
A good thing you could do is try the drive on another computer. If it works, at least you'll know it's not the drive, but something with your PC.
I really appreciate you guys giving me feedback on this issue. I too believe that the flash drive is faulty...I tried it on another system today with the same results....Thanks guys!
I inherited a SanDisk cruzer USB flash drive with upgradeable capacity.
Since these have been on the market for many years my question is:
Now that we have SD Cards in excess of 1-2 GB capacity, is there any known problem with using the Cruzer to transfer files to a 1+ GB SD card?
Specifically I use my AXIM X5 with the Pharos GPS. The OSTIA maps for the Pharos cover the entire U.S. (and now some otheroffshore maps are becoming available). I can get the entire Western States, or Eastern, Southern or North East, on 512MB SD's. with a 1 or 2 GB SD Card, I could load almost the entire set of U.S. Maps.
Loading these maps directly to my AXIM w/SD card is VERY slow. Loading maps to the SC using the Cruzer is much faster.
Would anyone predict any problem using the SanDisk Cruzer to load in execess of 1 or more GB of maps onto the SD card?
Thanks for the advice.
I don't think I've ever seen a SanDisk cruzer USB drive with upgradeable capacity. Can you provide the model number so I can better understand what you're trying to do?
replace this text
Hi i recently decided to use my scandisc cruzer usb device yesterday for the first time, and all went well up until my friend unpaciently chose to pull it out without safely removing the hardware first. So today it continues to say SecurDataStor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Is there any hope that my music data is stiil there and is my scandisc broke?
Most likely the drive is fine, but the data on it may have become corrupted if it was yanked out while the computer was reading or writing to the drive. You can probably get it to work again if you reformat it and reload the SecurDataStor program, but all data on the drive will be lost.
Before you do that though, have you tried rebooting the PC... just in case?
Once you get it going again set your settings for quick removal so it will stop this from happing again :-D
Hi Guy's
I have just purchased a scandisc flash drive 4gb and when trying to format or open it I get message saying I/O problem any clues?
I have had a 2.0GB ScanDisc removable drive now for approx 6-9 months. Unexplicably tonight it stopped working. The nifty orange light won't work except for a quick on/off flash when on it's way to being plugged in. Otherwise I can plug it in & my laptop won't even recognize it's even there. I have been using it exlusivly instead of the laptop hard drive for fear of the laptop taking a crap on me. I have no back up of the information on the drive.
How screwed am I? Is there any way to temporarily access the information on the drive to move it to my laptop hard drive?
SOMBODY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
I was receiving a similar error. Everytime I would try to copy a file to my SanDisk Micro Cruzer 2GB, I would receive the error: Cannot copy <filename>: The system cannot find the specified file.
Here's how I got mine working again:
Go into Device Manager
Uninstall the USB Mass Storage Driver under Universal Serial Bus Controllers
Remove the thumb drive
Reboot the computer
Once you're back to the desktop, reinsert the thumb drive.
Recently I purchased a Cruzer Micro 2GB. It worked great up until the case broke apart. It does not light up and I'm sure the wires at the end of the flash connection is loose.
I see the mirco chip mounted in this, It's just the end of the flash drive that goes into the computer is crushed.
Any ideas?? Please,, I need help from anyone whom might have crushed theirs and were able to retrieve the data.
I don't have alot of advice to offer except these items claim a 10 year storage life and 10000 re-writes. How about help where you bought them from.
In this thread I see that between everyone you have found 3 ways to spell the same thing. Look at your product if you don't know what it is or what it is called, its brand is written on it! No wonder you are experiencing problems. Broken case, crushed connector...it is a computer storage device, not a hammer in the garage:BE CAREFUL WITH IT.
I had a similar problem with my Sandisk Cruzer 4GB (the kind that slides out). In the past, my iPod had not connected due to a driver issue with a new printer. All I had to do was turn off the printer. I tried this with my Cruzer 4GB and it worked instantly.