Lexar jumpgear MP3

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Lexar jumpgear MP3

I have just bought the Lexar JumpGear MP3 player with 128 jumpdrive -- it has the capability of bookmarking but unfortunately the start guide doesn't give any information on how to use it. It would prove to be invaluable to me as I listen to audio books in MP3 format.

Thanks for any help

Ron Repking (not verified)
I think that it doesn't give

I think that it doesn't give you any information in the manual about it because although they say that they have bookmarking, they implemented it poorly. In fact, I heard through someone that it didn't work really well at all. I don't remember if they actually got it to work or not, but it might be a good idea if you are listening to audio books and rely on the bookmarking feature to return it and go with something that supports bookmarking fully.


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