What's the big deal with easter eggs?

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Steven Jones
What's the big deal with easter eggs?

No, this question isn't meant to be timely with the approach of the bunny-laden holiday. I'm talking about DVD easter eggs? I am pretty sure I never tried to find one and am not sure what the draw is.

So I have two questions. 1. Is this still a popular feature of DVDs these days or was it a novelty that has long since worn off? 2. Are any of these eggs worth spending the time to find? Someone give me an example of a cool one and I will track it down. I have more than my fair share of movies to choose from so it is likely that I will have one with an egg...

Ron Repking (not verified)
There's definitely some good

There's definitely some good ones out there if you find the right ones. The Lord of the Rings extended versions have many that are worth watching. My favorite is Jack Black at "Elrond's Council". To access, take the first disc and go scene selection. Go to the last scenes and press the down arrow and a 'ring' will show up at bottom. Select the ring to access the special feature. Check out www.dvdeastereggs.com for more.


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