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Emma Metcalfe

Is there a machine I can use to transcribe speech from my Olympus WS-300M digital voice recorder?  Preferably like a conventional transcription machine, not voice recognition.

Larry Dillon
ok what you can do is connect

ok what you can do is connect up to a computer and us what my mother-in-law reads her e-mail with called Window Eyes.  Its a screen reader or are you talking about printing out the ditgital files?  You should be able to do this with your computer also.  Just download the files.. There should be instuctuions that came with the recorder or go to olympus  support site at   Good Luck

Emma Metcalfe
Thanks very much, Larry! 

Thanks very much, Larry!  That's very helpful.  I'll try that and see what happens.  Cheers!

Larry Dillon
Let us know how you made out

Let us know how you made out please.  Good Luck

Emma Metcalfe
In the end, what we did was

In the end, what we did was upload the file onto the PC, then plug earphones into the base unit and listen to it through Windows Media Player - it was easier to move through the file using the mouse, though still rather clumsy and time-consuming trying to type out the transcript.  Thanks very much for your help, though!  This is still rather new technology for me, so I need all the help I can get!  Cheers.


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