broken headphone jack

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broken headphone jack

I have a Sorell SV-15 (Korean) and have apparently dropped the thing after a few too many drinks, I have opened it up and the headphone jack has been damaged, i have taken it to various electronics repair shops and they can't fix it nor do they know where to get a replacement jack from, anyone any ideas?

Larry Dillon
Do you know how to solder? 

Do you know how to solder?  If you do and I run into this problem with headphone jacks or even those smaller power plugs I go into Radio Shack, as they have many many differant sizes of jacks and plugs. The one I go into even has a a small ring with all the differant Millimeter sizes on it. Good Luck

Thanks Larry, alas i live in

Thanks Larry, alas i live in England and we don't have Radioshack here, i went to a place that sounds a similar kind of place, they looked through their whole catalogue but couldn't find anything of a similar shape. I guess i'm gonna have to look for a new one, an MP3 player without headphones is pretty pointless. There is however a "line-out" socket that i use to plug it into my AUX socket on my hi-fi, does anyone know if i can get headphones that will use this socket?

Larry Dillon
You could use wireless

You could use wireless headphones as they are powered by a small amp.Also i found this out about Sorell. Sorell, Inc. (" Sorell" or "the Company") is in the ... off of the DVS production department from Samsung Electronics ...?? Hmmmm Maybe check with a samsung parts house.? .

How would wireless headphones

How would wireless headphones comunicate with the player, surely i'd have to plug something into it, i'll contact samsung though, thanks again!

Larry Dillon
You said nthere was a line

You said nthere was a line out plug there didnt you??? Try here Good Luck


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