We just bought a Pioneer SimpleSolution Home Theater System. The Model Number is HTV-C1. Got it from a pawnshop, but they didn't have the user's guide. Am confused about some of the RCA jacks--two in particular that just say "Through" and "Out". Anybody know what I should plug in to those?
I've got the TV and the DVD player jacked into Input 1 and 2 and everything is working great. Really would like more info about those two mystery jacks and also if anyone can tell me where I might be able to download the user's guide as well, I'd really appreciate it.
Already checked at Pioneer's websites (USA, Canada & Australia) but there's no manual available for this "archived" product.
Thanks, Lori
There should be a differant model number on the reciver rear panel. Thats the number we need to assist you. I never heard of this model but have heard of this set up . The number you gave is a package number.
Hi Larry,
Checked again and it says Model "HTV-C1" on the back of the set-top speaker but on the back of the Subwoofer it says Model "HTV-SW1" and then "to be connected to equipment HTV-C1".
I did find a Model HTV-1 at the Pioneer website in Canada (no instructions or manual though) and it seems to be identical to what I have. That can be viewed here Pioneer Models - HTV-1.
Does that help to answer my questions?
No not really, what about the back of the AMP unit, whats it say for a model number, not on the speakers.
There's just two pieces -- the speaker unit (HTV-C1) that's made to sit on top of your tv and the subwoofer box (HTV-SW1) that connects to the set-top speaker (HTV-C1).
Tell you what, Larry--I'm just gonna forget all about those 2 mystery jacks--save all this frustration.
Last question then. Any idea where I might find a manual or instruction book for my models, or any technical information online?
Thanks for your time,
Lori, The only advice on the Pioneer, as I checked with Two peeps on this model, and they do not have it, wound be to call them at 1-800-421-1404, or send them an e-mail and ask for the owners manual, or where can you get one. They have an HTV-1 on the web page, but It doesnot show how to download, only shows you a picture of it. Maybe thats the number for the entire system? Im not sure. Be fore I forget, try this link for their E-mail submission form. http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/pna/v3/pg/contact/us/0,,2076_310069585,00.html Please let us know how you made out.
Okay, I'll go there now and see what I can find out.
Thanks again for your help, Larry.
Is this component compatable with a phillips 42" LCD Television?
Yes carbon, I would certainly think it was.
Lori -
I have the same unit. It's a "2.1" home theater system (two speakers in one front unit, plus subwoofer) with Dolby virtual surround sound. Bought it at Sam's Club in 1998-99 for $120, I think. Still sounds great, and I use it with my 58" Panasonic plasma HDTV to boost the audio. I have the manual, if you still have questions about it.
- Richard
hello, this is tony just saw your message , wondering if i might ask a ? i have htv-sw1 subwoofer with no cables. what type of cable does it require and can it be used with reciever with rca outputs
Hello I have a HTV-C1 surround pioneer system and i need to replace the cables
can you referd me to some one who my carry the cables that connect the subwoofer thanks.
I've just bought this as well! At Goodwill.
I don't have I don't have the remote. Mine has two brown speaker wires running out that are clipped off.
Turns out I'm missing one of the connections between the subwoofer and the large speaker/control unit. I tried to fabricate one from a cable, but it didn't have all the same pins. Where the HECK could I get one of the cords between the sub and the wide control unit? Thanks!
What arethe heck are you talking about? Model number would help.
What arethe heck are you talking about? Model number would help.
Hey everyone, I just found that same model in my storage room, I wanna try to hook it up to my LCD tv but i don't know how can anybody tell me what cables to hook up to my tv?
Model: HTV- C1
hey larry,
I just found the same system in my storage room, figured I could hook it up to my LG LCD tv, but I don't know what cables to use and hook up to the tv. wondering if you could help me please.
Model : HTV - C1
I am not really sure what your asking here please be a bit more specific,
I did find the 9 pin cable to hook from subwoofer to control box. It is called a MiniDIN 8 to MiniDIN 8 or sometimes a Printer 8 cable. I bought it off of ebay for 99 cents. I am still in need of a manual just to hook up to tv. Very frustrating. Can anyone email me manual, just to hook up to get it running?? Be appreciated.
The 9 pin cord needed is called a MiniDIN 8 to MiniDIN 8 or sometimes a Printer 8 cable. I bought mine on ebay. Can anyone send me a copy of the manual?? Getting frustrated trying to connect. Thanks!!
You can order replacement parts and cables for the HTV-C1 directly from Pioneer. They're kind of pricey, but I guess that's the way it goes.
the cable for the HTV-C1 is a standard macintosh serial cable or mini din 8.
My system seems a bit too bass-y is it beyond help or maybe the remote lets you adjust the tone? If anyone has the manual and could look this up I'd appreciate it.
It seems pretty straight forward to me ( the hookup) rca cable from the source to the the input (either 1 or 2)
go to the pioneer website and you will need to register and they will have what you need.
Larry D.
went to pioneer, only a spec sheet available. Does anyone have one and can tell me whether there is a tone control on the remote?
I have the HTV-C1 set also, but I have lost the remote. Does anyone know where I can find one; maybe a universal one if necessary?