printed pic comes out mixed up from camera

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printed pic comes out mixed up from camera

I have a Fuji Finepix 2800 with thousands of great pics. It has recently started to mix up, or break up pictures by splitting the shots into sections misplaced when viewing them on the computer or when thier printed. Maybe one in every 50. Has anyone seen this?

Matt Whitlock
Weird. Have you talked to

Weird. Have you talked to Fuji (1-800-800-3854) about this problem? Can you post one of the mixed up pictures? How do you transfer images from the camera to the PC?

This is split three ways

This is split three ways

Matt Whitlock
Bizarre! How do you transfer

Bizarre! How do you transfer pictures to your PC? Do you use an external card reader, or USB from the camera to the PC?

Matt Whitlock
Well, If what you say is true


If what you say is true, that the images are fine on the camera and only get screwed up after transfer, then you have to figure out what is happening from the camera to the PC.

The first thing I would try is transferring pictures with an external media card reader (available at any electronics store). They don't cost much, nor do they require any special software or imaging applications to run. These mount the flash card as a basic drive, and it lets you copy/paste images like regular files. So, nothing should mess up the images in the process.

Give it a shot and post back with your results.


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