The Best Speakers of 2007

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Jeff Block
The Best Speakers of 2007

From Definitive Technology's Mythos ST SuperTower at $1800/pair to Altec Lansing's PT-8051 Wireless Theater System at $1000, Electronic House has announced the winner of this year's awards for the best speaker systems under the sun.  There are 37 of them, in all shapes and sizes and for all purposes, but the winner is......

The Bowers & Wilkins 683

My big question is...  Who spends $1800 for speakers?  I know I'm a noob, but I'm just not sure how that works.  Anyway, for all you audiophiles out there, I thought I'd mention the awards.

Happy speakering...   

i spent 2300 on my hales,

i spent 2300 on my hales, they were worth every penny

To most true audiophiles

To most true audiophiles $1800 is low end. The 6 series B&W is about as low as you can go in the B&W line of speakers. You can drop $10k - $20k on a pair of their high end speakers.

I have the previous version of the 6 series and they are great sounding speakers to my ear.


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