My USB port on my PSP needs EXCESSIVE pressure to connect. I usually have to push or pull the cable backwards from the front of the port, and sometimes that doesn't work. I got it four months ago, so it isn't on warrenty anymore and I don't have $80 to spend to fix it. I have been using a card reader to put stuff on, but I really want to get this fixed so I can get the camera attachment when they come to the US.
Any ideas?
I'd definitely say based on some of your other posts that you've probably tried the obvious troubleshooting solutions, but for the benefit of everyone, let's double check:
1. Tried a different USB cable
2. Used compressed air to blow out any debris or gunk that may have been creating problems making a secure connection.
3. (carefully) cleaned the contacts in the usb port.
4. Checked to make sure the USB contact pins in the port are not missing, broken, etc. (this is not super easy to do on a mini-usb port).
Any luck with those methods? Anything else you tried?
I tried 1, 2 and 3. I have yet to check #4, but lets say that that doesnt help either. Any other things you might know that would help my problem?
Beyond those suggestions, I'm not sure I have any more simple ways of diagnosing it. At that point you'd probably need to crack the case and inspect the connection to the main board.
How (on a scale of 1-10) hard is that? And what tools would you suggest I have?
From the looks of the PSP, I'm not entirely sure it's going to be super easy to pry it open. I've also never tried either, so I'm not sure I could put a number on it or tell you what tools you would need. I have access to a 1st gen PSP, so I could take a look at it early next week to try and give some recommendations.
I will say though, getting it open and inspecting it may not be impossible, but if you need to replace the USB port, that's a whole different ballgame. I'd hate to have you start an endevour and wind up with a PSP that can't be fixed after an attempted repair. Know what I mean?
Yeah, I get it. And it's not like it is that big of a problem. Like I said, the only reason I want to get it fixed is for the camera. So if you do get around to looking at your gen 1 psp, that would be nice. Otherwise, don't worry about it.